The Written Exams

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Everyone, everything, had gone silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the noises of the floors and chairs creaking from people leaning forward or moving around, getting up and trying to see who was at the door.

The instructor pointed in their direction, causing them to jump. "First, you candidates from Otogakure; knock it off! Who told you that you could fight? Do you want to be failed before we even begin?"

The one wrapped in bandages replied quickly and calmly, "Sorry. It's our first time here... guess we're a bit jumpy... sir."

Haku and Hoshino exchanged glances, coming a silent agreement; these guys are trouble.

Ibiki took a look around the room at the other Genin before speaking once more. "I'll say this once, so listen up. There will be no fighting between candidates. No attacking each other without the permission of a proctor. And even then, the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited. Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately. Got it?"

Everyone was silent for a while longer, so he took it as a positive answer and continued, "Now, if we're ready, we'll proceed to the first stage of the Chunin Exam. Hand over your paperwork. In return you'll each be given a number," he held a stack of papers up, "which will determine where you sit. We'll start the written test as soon as everyone is seated."

"The... what? Written test?"

After handing in their paperwork, Team 7, and no one else's team, ended up sitting anywhere near each other. Hoshino was in the middle row with Tenten next to him and someone else he didn't know. Sakura sat one row in front of him, and Naruto one row ahead of her. Sasuke and Haku were not spotted yet.

"Everyone, eyes front." Ibiki ordered as he tapped on the chalkboard. "There are a few rules you need to be aware of. And I won't answer any questions. So you'd better pay attention the first time around! Alright, rule one- the written exam, is conducted on a point deduction system. Contrary to what some of you are used to, you all begin the test with a perfect score of ten points. One point will be deducted for each answer you get wrong. So if you miss three, your final score will be seven."

Interesting... what a strange way to conduct it; it really adds onto the pressure.

"Rule number two- teams will pass or fail based on the total scores of all the members."

"What?! Wait a second!" Sakura shouted in surprise and anger after banging her head violently on the table. "You're saying we get scored as a team?!"

"Silence! I have my reasons, so shut up and listen."

What reasons could those be? Hoshino wondered. There has to be a logical explanation... maybe it'll become more clear as we go along.

"Rule three- the sentinels you see positioned around the room are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating. And for any incidents they spot, they will subtract two points from the culprit's score. Be warned; their eyes are extremely sharp. And if they catch you five times, you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored."

Hoshino tucked a strand of hair behind his ear in thought. Okay.. so there's two ways to lose points, and the scores are based on the entire team. They may give us a bit of a harder time with five team members, therefore we could have a chance of still passing even if one of us flunks out. But then again... it all depends on the test itself.

"Anyone fool enough to be caught cheating by the sentinels doesn't deserve to be here. If you want to be considered shinobi, then show us just what exceptional shinobi you can be. One more thing! If any candidate should get a zero and fail the test, then the entire team fails."

Not good! We are so screwed... Hoshino thought miserably. Hold on, I can't underestimate Naruto. He's smarter than he lets on.

"The final question will not be given out until fifteen minutes before the end of the testing period. You'll have one hour in total. Begin!"

Everyone turned over their papers, and Hoshino examined his. He heard people writing already, and that confused him. Usually they were taught to actually look at all of the questions first. He glanced at Sakura, who was writing something. She had gotten one, he knew that at least, and she was smart anyway. Then he took a small glance ahead of her, at Naruto. He was just sitting there, still, staring at his paper.

Come on, Naruto! You can do this! Just get at least one! Hoshino forced himself to look at his own paper.

'Line B in the diagram indicates the trajectory of a shuriken thrown at enemy C by ninja A seated atop a tree seven meters tall. Describe and formulate the trajectory required if C were positioned at D, E, and F. Also predict the farthest possible range of the shruiken and explain how you found your answer.'

Oh great. Hoshino sighed. These are integrated problems based on principles of uncertainty and require complex mechanical energy analysis. Incredibly advanced and complicated. There can't be more than a handful of people here who even understand it, much less know how to solve it!

He tapped his pencil on the paper a few times, racking his brain. Hell, I can't even figure it out! These  definitely aren't Genin level problems, they're way too advanced. Surely they don't expect us to know these. What's the trick here? It's almost like they're trying to get us to cheat!


They've hired sentinels to watch our every move, and they're making such a huge deal of cheating, yet we have five chances before they really throw us out. Could that be it? Yes, it makes sense. 'A ninja must see through deception', isn't that it? Morino's not forbidding us from cheating, he's telling us to! He's daring us to try to get away with it without being spotted. Only exceptional ninja would be able to succeed under these circumstances. I wonder if any of the others have figured it out?

Hoshino looked at the sentinel to his right as he was writing something down, and the one across the room to his left. I've got to think of strategies- if I am right, I can't be caught. How do I do that? Everyone has unique abilities- I have no doubt that Sasuke's Sharingan would help him now. What do I have? Lightning Imitation only works if I've seen a technique multiple times... I'm skilled in ninjutsu. Can that help? Hm... what's a jutsu that would work?

He craned his neck to see the back, keeping his eyes on the sentinels so it wouldn't seem like he was attempting to cheat. He still couldn't find Sasuke or Haku. They could've been right behind him, but he couldn't turn to see. Hoshino bit his lip, his eyes closed. A jutsu to help with cheating. Anything like that...

Feeling hopeless, he looked to his left, to the back, where he finally found Haku. He was picking up his pencil, brushing his finger against the ground, leaving a trail of nearly invisible ice that became a mirror over someone's paper.

Smart, Haku! But I haven't learned that yet... think, Mizu, think! What's unique to just you? I can manipulate clouds and lightning without jutsu... wait, that's it!

Hoshino brought his hands together to look like nothing suspicious, but he moved them slowly and made his hand sign. He lowered his hands onto the desk as the sentinel took notice of him and watched him carefully.

Kumo Keba no Jutsu. He thought. His body slumped down on the desk, apparently asleep. His consciousness had been transferred to the practically invisible wisp of air that he had formed overhead. He floated over Sakura and peered at her answer sheet. He stayed there for a moment, memorizing her answers before releasing the jutsu. He sat up groggily and, in order to throw off the sentinel watching him, began yawning and wrote the answers out slowly.

Slowly, but surely, candidates were getting eliminated, taking their teammates out the door with them. Hoshino watched with concern as some left quietly while others tried to pick a fight and ended up on the wrong end of a strike from a sentinel. He bit his lip as he looked towards the clock. Fifteen minutes. It's time for the final question.


We're counting on you.

Hello! So sorry I haven't updated in a while... I've just been having a lot of exams at school and haven't had the time to finish. I'm on vacation in two weeks, so I'll definitely have the time to make it up to you guys :)

~ Tsunami

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