What Is Truth?

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Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

Truth can be a strange notion, for it always relies on perspective. Can the two ever be separated? Hoshino believed the only pure form to be love, for that is a truth that brings people to the same understanding.

Did Hoshino want to understand? He wasn't sure anymore.

He longed desperately for Kakashi to be there. He longed for his encouraging words, his understanding, his compassion, his light hearted banter.

But no...

Kakashi was in a coma; deeply affected by Itachi's genjutsu. Hoshino wished desperately to hear his voice; the voice he hadn't heard in a week. Naruto was out of the village and traveling with Jiraiya, looking for Lady Tsunade to bring her back to the village.

I hope they find her... I may never get to talk to either of them ever again if they don't.

Sasuke too was in a coma. His pale, unmoving face stabbed at Hoshino's heart every time he went to visit him in his hospital room. He had rested his palm against Sasuke's cold face, and whispered, "I need you now. I need to... have you by my side... you and Kakashi-San... please, Sasuke... I need you."

No response came from the Uchiha.

"Today could be the day that changes my entire life." Hoshino continued, speaking as if he were really here, closing his eyes. "Today... I find out who my father really is. Oh, how I wish you could be here. Who knows what it'll be... I just... need someone to hold onto."

Sasuke, again, made no noise or movement. His eyes remained closed.

Hoshino sighed sadly before standing up and leaning over his teammate's bedside. "I'll come again tomorrow. And the next. And the next. And the next. As long as it takes until you're awake. I promise..." he then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Sasuke's forehead, "Sasuke-Kun."

"Sit down, Hoshino." Iro started, fidgeting with her hands as she pushed aside a stack on documents on her desk.

Hoshino swallowed the lump in his throat stood in front of her with his back straight and rigid, making no move to sit. His hands trembled as she looked at him.

"Love, I'm not perfect, but I'd walk willingly into hell if that's what it took to keep you safe. I am your protector, there to shield you. As my son, not a single soul comes before you." Iro told him, her silver eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "My child holds my soul in their heart, and my heart is forever theirs. My child is free to live, to learn and love whom they love... for there is no rule that can contain such a sacred thing."

"Okaa-san." Hoshino whispered, looking at her, desperation shining clearly in his eyes. "Please. Don't play these games. I have to know who he is. You need to tell me before someone else does. It has to be you."

Iro looked at him, but nodded weakly. "Alright. It's time that I told you the truth." She took a deep breath. "Please don't hate me..."

"I could never hate you..." Hoshino responded truthfully.

"Your father..." She hesitated, but continued, her voice and resolve trembling a bit, "is the one known as... Pain."

Hoshino's world shattered.

The panic started like a tightening of the chest, as if the muscles were trying not to let another breath in, but instead to die. Then the breath came, shallow, lungs unable to move much against the suddenly heavy ribs. Then Hoshino's mind became as static, thoughts making no sense, replays of horrors dreamt up in his head. Before he knew it he was sitting on the floor, limbs unwilling to work at all...

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