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Okay, before we get into the chapter, I would like to say that it has some suggestive themes and may make you a bit uncomfortable depending on who you are. I believe that some of a certain character's behavior can be classified as... yandere? Did I spell that right?

Nothing extreme, or anything, just a little tiny bit near the end.

Other than that, enjoy the chapter!

~ Tsunami

Have you ever felt like the hair on the back of your neck was standing up? Well, Hoshino did. He glanced over his shoulder but saw no one looking in his direction at all. He resumed walking, his heart began pounding in his chest.

He didn't know why, but he felt like he was being watched. Perhaps he was a bit paranoid, but he couldn't help but feel that someone was following him. Searing eyes on the back of his head, burning invisible holes in his skull. He couldn't tell anyone about it; his mother would instantly order some of the Mizu Jounin to watch him at all times, and he could say goodbye to any chances of freedom ever again. But still... the presence he could sense... it didn't mean anything good.

"Okay, Hoshino-Kun, today I'm gonna teach you how to use your Wind Style." Akane declared that day after Hoshino had run his forty laps and watched him stretch while still trying to catch his breath. The thought of learning to use his Wind Style perked him up and he straightened from his splits.

"I'm ready, Akane-Sama!"

"I was hoping you'd say that, because I got you a little something." Akane reached behind her and produced a small baton from her hand. It was dark brown with  delicate white orchids painted on the wood. Hoshino stared in awe at it as she handed it to him.

"This is beautiful! Thank you so much, Akane-Sama!"

Akane chuckled, startling him a bit. "Oh, it's not just for decoration. Why don't you try swiping it in front of you like a bo staff?"

Hoshino complied in confusion. Once he did, the baton expanded into a thin, long bo staff in front of him. "Whoa!" He stumbled back in shock. "That's... totally awesome!" He exclaimed.

Akane laughed at his expression. "I thought you'd like that. You know that Sunagakure Genin, Temari? She uses that fan of hers, right? This bo is going to sort of the same thing for you. Of course, there will be some noticeable differences. You'll have to resort to different jutsu. Any questions? No? Alright, let's begin!"

Strange feelings stirred within his chest. They tightened around his heart. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Hoshino. The beautiful teen had captured him completely. What was this? Why was he feeling like this? He despised people-- he always has. Nothing can change that, not now. But his watching was becoming borderline obsessive. What is love? He didn't know.

Hoshino felt like fainting at this point. No only was he exhausted from Akane's training and mentally exhausted from visiting Lee at the hospital, but the feeling of being watched had been going on for several days now. Who was watching him? He knew that telling his mother was logical, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He'd never be by himself again, as petty as that may sound.

He frowned, struggling internally with his choices, both leading him down a lose-lose path. What should I do? Maybe I can find Naruto. He might know what to do...

"Don't let him near that blond haired brat!" The voice within yelled. He fought the urge to wince at his volume and venom. "Talk to him or something! Just don't let him near the Uzumaki! I won't let him spend time alone with that brat! He's mine! Only mine!"

Hoshino turned at the sound of the trees quivering behind him. His instincts kicked in, and he reached for his new bo and swept in a cutting arc towards the tree, releasing a wave of wind chakra towards it.

Book 1: Dancing With Lightning [Naruto]Where stories live. Discover now