The Might of Ice Style

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"Haku!" Hoshino called out, dodging the enemy ninja's blade with a backflip. He swiftly parried with his kunai knife and pushed her back into his teammate, who instantly grabbed the back of her tunic and threw her into her companion, sending them both to the forest floor with loud thuds and groans of pain.

"Would you like to do the honors, Hoshino?" Haku asked him with a smile as he watched the two Amegakure Genin attempt to get up from where they collapsed into one other in front of the two Ice Style users.

"It would be my pleasure." Hoshino chirped brightly in response. He gathered his chakra around his fists in the Mizu tigers, getting into the ready stance as the two sapphire tigers got ready to pounce on their prey. The last thing the ninja saw before being knocked unconscious were the sharp claws of the fiery predators.

"Well..." Haku mused thoughtfully, looking at their unmoving forms. "I must admit: that was easier than I was expecting."

"I didn't even have to do anything; they knocked themselves out due to their fear." Hoshino shrugged in         response, dispelling the tigers into thin air as he spoke. He placed a hand on his hip. "Shame... I was hoping I would get to use that new technique I've been working on too..."

"There, there." Haku patted him on the head teasingly and ruffled his hair, ignoring the pouts of the other boy. "I'm sure you'll get the chance someday. Now come on, let's see if they've got the scroll."

At this, Hoshino perked up again and hurried towards the unconscious ninja's pouches and unzipped them quickly, rummaging through them.

The boy's yielded no luck, but the girl's bag fell open to reveal the scroll hidden amongst her weapons and ninja tools. Hoshino fought the urge to whoop loudly in joy as he picked it up and tossed it to Haku, who smiled brightly at the sight as he caught it easily in one hand.

"That's one less problem on our hands, then!" Haku exclaimed, tucking it away in his bag as he spoke. Hoshino nodded in agreement and looked out in front of him.

"I wonder... how the others are doing?" He wondered out loud, worry lacing his tone.

"I'm sure they're fine." Haku said. "They can handle themselves."

Hoshino bit his lip in thought. "I hope Sasuke and Naruto haven't killed each other." Then he chuckled. "And I hope Sakura hasn't killed Naruto."

"I don't think she could even if she tried." Haku remarked from behind him as they traveled thrοugh the forest. "Naruto is very powerful. He just... needs to learn how to use it properly."

"Good point." Hoshino sighed, observing his surroundings uneasily. Why am I getting such an uneasy feeling about this? It's almost as if... He frowned, shaking his head furiously to clear away his thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Haku's concerned voice asked him.

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine!" Hoshino forced a cheerful smile on his face. "Just thinking."

Imagine each worrisome idea as a bird singing upon a nearby branch. It came of its own accord and it will leave of its own accord. You hear its song, yet just as a song passing, there is nothing for you to do. Relax and it will pass. The more you do this, the quieter those ideas will become and the less often they visit. Then one day you remember them and realise they've been gone for some time.

Hoshino had learned to do this as he got older; a practice all Mizu heirs must possess. His mother had always told him to be patient and try not to worry more than necessary. "Ninja always have enough on their minds." She had said. "No need to pile on."

Their journey was going fine so far. They had run into two enemy teams, but made quick work of them and tossed their scrolls into the woods to send them on a wild goose chase and ensuring they wouldn't bother them again.

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