The Third Test

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Haku helped Hoshino down the stairs to the arena where everyone was gathered, waiting for the explanation of their next challenge. Hoshino fought the urge to wince every time he stepped to heavily on his foot, shaking his head in dismay.

Haku couldn't take his eyes off of the bite mark on his neck, feeling anger and hatred boil to the surface of his stomach every time his eyes flickered towards the wound; proof that Hoshino had survived the attack from Orochimaru himself. He still couldn't comprehend why Orochimaru had been so dead set on eliminating Hoshino. He had stabbed him in the stomach with a poisoned blade AND bit him in the neck. It was a miracle Hoshino was breathing, much less walking down the stairs with every intention of competing.

His eyes found their teammates, gathered in a corner away from the rest of the group. Sakura was sobbing as Naruto rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her, his own face contorted with grief and sadness. They had clearly filled her in on what happened. Sasuke's face was shadowed by his hair, his head tilted down so no one could see his expression, but Hoshino didn't miss the tears that dropped from his chin and onto the ground of the arena.

His heart twisted for them. He didn't mean to make them worry, he didn't mean to make them sad and mourn him. But it was all okay now! He was fine! He nodded at Haku, who couldn't contain the smile that was on his face as he raised his hand.

"Guys! Look who's here!" He called, catching their attention. Sakura looked first and let out a shaky gasp, tears rolling down her face even more as she laid eyes on Hoshino; a slightly battered, but ALIVE Hoshino. She broke away from Naruto and dashed towards them, sobbing. She ran straight to Hoshino and engulfed him in a tug hug, crying into his tunic. "Hoshino-Kun!" She sobbed. "You're alive! Alive!"

"Hey! Hey— don't cry!" Hoshino hugged her back, rubbing her back slowly. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing people upset..."

She let go of him, her eyes shining with tears. He didn't have time to say anything else because a blond blur rammed right into him, arms wrapping around him tightly. "N-Naruto!" He managed, laughing lightly as his blond friend sobbed into his tunic like Sakura, his shoulders shaking with emotion. "I'm okay! You don't have to cry anymore! I'm here!"

"I... I was.... so scared..." Naruto admitted softly, his voice choked with emotion. "After he... you were dead... I lost you..."

"That snake won't get the best of me again." Hoshino said gently. "He caught me off guard. It won't happen again, Naru. I promise."

After a few moments, Naruto found the strength to let him go once he realized that this was real— not some cruel illusion or genjutsu— but Hoshino was real.

Hoshino turned towards Sasuke, who had been silent the whole time. The Uchiha was standing still, his eyes wide, sparkling faintly with unshed tears. His hands were by his sides, slack with disbelief. "A-Are you... real?" He asked softly, his voice hoarse and ragged, as if he had been screaming.

Hoshino smiled gently at him, holding out his hand. "Want to come see, Sasuke?" His voice seemed to trigger something in the black haired boy, and he sprung to life.

In a flash, his arms were around him in a soft embrace, as if he was afraid Hoshino would push him away from him. He relaxed once he realized that Hoshino had no intention of doing that when his arms returned the hug. Hoshino's soft and musical laughter echoed in his ears as he came to realize that this was real.

"I'm here, guys. And I'm not leaving anytime soon."

"Before I tell you all what the third exam entails, I want to explain something about the test itself. Listen closely, now, it's something that all of you need to understand. I'm going to tell you the true purpose of these exams." Lord Hokage explained to the group of Genin. "Why do you suppose our country holds these exams in conjunction with our allies?"

Book 1: Dancing With Lightning [Naruto]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα