True Strength

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Hoshino felt pain in his chest, he felt pain in his arms and he felt pain in his mind. The pain subsided at times, only to flare up again and with seemingly increased intensity.

Several voices echoed through his head. Some telling him that everything will be fine, others telling him that it won't be.

His head felt eerily light, everything seemed to spin around him in a blur of motion in Shukaku's grip.

What can I do now? He wondered desperately. I need to escape... but if I do, he'll just come after me again, and Haku and Sasuke may die this time... Naruto... we need you! He prayed to every deity he could name for his friend to show up. 

The whole situation seems completely hopeless...

"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

The amount of clones was more astonishing than the amount of chakra. They were spread throughout the forest, as far as Hoshino could see, covering pretty much the entire terrain.

Hoshino felt Shukaku's grip slacken a bit due to the surprise of Naruto's sudden appearance. Now's my chance! He thought. He channeled what remaining chakra he had left to spread all throughout his body, and electricity radiated off of him, causing Shukaku to roar in pain and momentarily lose his grip completely.

Hoshino plummeted towards the ground, but before he could do anything, Naruto swooped in and caught him, landing on a secluded tree several meters away. "I don't know what's going on..." he said, his voice completely serious. "But you need to stay out of his sight."

Hoshino didn't have enough strength to argue with him, but before Naruto could jump off into battle, he grabbed his hand, gripping Naruto's tan one in his tawny colored one. "Please..." he whispered pleadingly, "be careful."

Naruto's blue eyes went wide before he grinned at him brightly. "Hey, don't worry about me. As long as I have you to fight for, I can never lose." He squeezed Hoshino's hand once comfortingly before he let go and disappeared into the undergrowth.

I can never lose... Naruto thought as he ran to confront Shukaku, as long as he's here, I have the greatest weapon: motivation.

As he stood on top of the chief toad's head, he felt pride rising within him.

"I'll protect you... Hoshino." He murmured to himself quietly, making sure that Shukaku couldn't hear him. He knew that Hoshino couldn't hear him either, but he still wanted to say it out loud.

Those hours of practice are finally paying off-- this'll be a breeze!

"Not you again!" The chief bellowed. "What is this? Huh?" His eyes landed on Gaara/Shukaku. "Well, will you look at that, Shukaku the Sand Spirit."

A grin appeared on his face as Naruto spoke his next words, not expecting a rejection. "What do you say? Will you fight alongside me today, Chief Toad?"

He scoffed in response. "Take a hike."

"What?!" Naruto demanded, angered.

"Why go out of my way to mess with a guy like him? What am I, an idiot?"

"Why-- are you kidding me?" Naruto yelled back. "You already told me you would make me your henchman, didn't you? It's only natural a boss would want to help out his henchman, isn't it? Don't you have any sense of duty?"

"Yeah, sure." He replied. "I told you I would make you my henchman, but we haven't even sealed the deal over a cup of sake yet."

Naruto was taken aback, and he took a step back in shock before shouting again, "Give me a freaking break! I'm still underage! I can't drink alcohol!"

Book 1: Dancing With Lightning [Naruto]Where stories live. Discover now