A Twist of Fate

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Hoshino was almost blown of his feet by a huge shockwave emanating from within the dome. Looking at Naruto, he realized that his chakra had turned orange, and was even forming outside of his body in the shape of a fox head.

"Oh no." Hoshino whispered to himself. It was the Nine Tailed Fox's chakra. Please... no.

Naruto roared as the senbon that were stuck in him flew back out and his wounds began to heal rapidly. Hoshino was further shocked to see as his blue eyes turn red, his teeth sharpen to points and the whisker-like marks on his cheeks widen and thicken.

Haku tried to impale him with more senbon, but with the Nine-Tail's chakra, Naruto's speed and reflexes were increased tenfold and he was able to dodge easily. He charged at the nearest ice mirror and punched, the ice breaking and Haku's form flying helplessly through the air.

In this form, Hoshino could see that Naruto's chakra was darker, more ruthless. He could barely even see Naruto within those red eyes.

Naruto wasn't stopping with simply ending Haku's jutsu though, instead charging over to where the boy now was, trying to get to his feet. Before he could land the next powerful punch though, he stopped. Naruto's fist came to a rest just inches from Haku's face. His chakra faded from orange back to his ordinary blue, as did his physical appearance.

Haku's mask had fallen apart from Naruto's initial blow, revealing the face beneath.

"That guy in the woods, that was you?" Naruto asked with wide eyes.

"You know him?" Hoshino questioned astoundingly.

Now that Hoshino could see his face, he only pitied Haku more. There was such sadness in his eyes. It was clear that he hadn't been lying; Haku really didn't want to hurt them.

"Why do you not strike me down? Didn't you just vow to avenge your friend's death?" Haku asked.

Hoshino gasped as he looked at Sasuke's lifeless form behind him. It just didn't make sense. If Haku didn't actually want to kill them, why had he gone so far fighting them?

Naruto growled and threw a punch, but Hoshino caught his wrist before it could land.

"Wait, Naruto," Hoshino said before turning back to Haku. "He's not actually dead is he?" He asked hopefully. "It's just like with Zabuza, feigned death."

Haku said nothing, just stared back at him. Hoshino smiled. He knew from the look on his face that he was right.

"It's okay Naruto, Sasuke's still alive!" Hoshino said in relief and happiness. Naruto's smile could not have gotten any bigger.

"I'm sorry, Zabuza-Sama, I have failed my purpose..." Haku whispered, seemingly to himself.

"Why that guy anyway?" Naruto asked. "Why follow someone like him? You said in the woods that true strength comes from having someone precious to protect. Well if he's the most important person to you then that's the sorriest thing I've ever heard!" Naruto yelled.

Haku looked up in surprise at Naruto. "You wish to hear my story?" He asked.

Neither Hoshino nor Naruto answered at first, just stared at him expectantly.

"It helps to let it out." Hoshino said gently. "You've clearly had it bottled up for so long..."

"Very well," Haku answered. "I once had others who were precious to me, my mother and father. But one day I discovered I had a Kekkei Genkai, my Ice Style. When I showed it to my mother she slapped me and said I was to never do it again, that my village and even my father would never understand, they hated the Ice Style ability and had previously killed all of my clan. But my father had seen me with her. With the village supporting him, he killed my mother and tried to kill me. I was so upset that my Ice Style killed them all. Thus began my torment." Haku said sadly. "For a while afterwards I lived on the streets, defending myself from wild dogs and stealing food from trash. In the whole world, there was nobody who needed me. I was unnecessary, and that was a worse pain than the cold, hunger and the dogs combined."

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