The Bell Test

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"He's late!" Naruto exclaimed. "All the other teams have already met their sensei and left!" He stuck his head out into the corridor for what Hoshino thought must have been the millionth time.

"Narutooo." Sakura whined. "Can you just stop complaining and wait? You're so annoying." She said, tapping her foot impatiently.

Like always, Sasuke remained quiet. He simply sat hunched over his desk, chin resting over his interlocked hands.

Hoshino was sitting too, head leaning back over his chair. He wasn't an impatient person, but three hours was starting to push it. He lifted his head when he heard Naruto laugh mischievously. "What are you doing?" He asked his friend.

Naruto was standing on a chair, trying to jam the blackboard eraser between the door frame and the sliding door.

"This is what he gets for being so late!" Naruto said impertinently.

Hoshino sighed, about to tell Naruto that it was a bad idea. Surprisingly, Sasuke spoke up instead.

"Our sensei is a Jonin. He's not going to fall for something so stupid." He said.

"Well, we'll just see about that won't we?" Hoshino argued softly and lightheartedly. "Expect the unexpected."

They all turned to face the door as they finally heard someone walking up the hallway. Slowly the door slid open and a man with silver hair and face mask poked his head in, the eraser plopping onto the top of his head.

"HAHA! He totally fell for it!" Naruto laughed, clutching his stomach.

"I'm so sorry sensei!" Sakura cried. "Sasuke-Kun told him not to do it! We would never do anything like that, would we Sasuke-Kun?" She looked at the black haired boy with bright eyes. Sasuke, predictably, stayed silent.

Hoshino sighed. He liked Sakura, but sometimes she was a little too intense with her crush on the black haired boy. Then he realized who Naruto had dropped the eraser on. "Kakashi-San!" He exclaimed, walking up to him with a smile.

Kakashi noticed him and hugged the boy. "Hoshino-Kun! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Isn't that the truth?" Hoshino chuckled. "Sorry about that." He said, nodding to the fallen eraser.

Kakashi shrugged and turned to face his teammates. "Well," The man said, speaking behind his mask. "My first impression of you is... save for Hoshino-Kun, you're a bunch of idiots." he said casually.

Hoshino tried not to laugh. He had no idea if Kakashi was joking or not, but that was the last thing Hoshino had expected him to say, even with Kakashi. He found it quite funny.

"Well then, let's get to know each other then. Why don't you guys tell me a bit about yourselves?" Kakashi said once they were on the roof.

"Well what do you want to know?" Sakura asked.

"Oh I don't know. Likes and dislikes, future dreams, hobbies... You know, things like that."

"Why don't you go first?" Hoshino suggested obligingly.

"Me? My name is Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and hate?" He hesitated and tapped his chin, like he was trying to think of an answer. "I don't feel like telling you that." He decided.

Hoshino had to fight the urge to laugh once again. Is he serious?

"Future dreams? Never really thought about it." He announced after another moment's hesitation. "Hobbies? Well I have lots of hobbies." He told them cheerfully.

Hoshino did laugh then, though he was the only one. His teammates just looked frustrated.

"All you told us was your name." Sakura criticized.

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