Chapter four

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The next morning I woke up with an uneasy feeling in my gut, wondering where all this shit with the club would end up. Making a coffee, I took it into the bathroom with me. not being a morning person, I needed a caffeine hit to get me going. Jenna, on the other hand, was always up at five a.m. to get her run in before work. I didn't understand this current trend for running and really couldn't comprehend anyone wanting to get up that early to do it.

I finished my shower and took some time to blow-dry my hair

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I finished my shower and took some time to blow-dry my hair. Usually on down days I would attempt to put make up on, but it would be pointless when I was in the gym all day. I would turn into pennywise the clown, all I would need is a red balloon and I would be good to go. I looked in the mirror, taking in my reflection. Even though I had done some hard living, I'd come through pretty much unscathed. Since giving up alcohol, I made an effort to live healthily and I was fit and strong thanks to Muay Thai and the matches that come with it. I take in my inked images and words holding significance to the highs and lows of my life painted over my some of my arms and back. However, the most prominent reminder of the shit I'd done in my life was the long scar Kit inflicted on me; it glared at me every damn day, but I didn't begrudge it. Whenever Jenna or Craig suggested I ink over it, I always said no. I needed to see it to keep me focused on a path that would take me far away from where I once was.
"I'm ready," I announce as I headed into the kitchen to grab my lunch out of the fridge.
"Let me just put my hair up and then we can go," she replied and slapped my ass on her way out of the kitchen.
I laughed and shook my head at her.
Five minutes later, Jenna reappeared with her hair done. she tilted her head and smiled at me. I knew she was sussing out my mental state because this was something she often did. "How you doing, babe?" she finally asked.
"I'm not sure," I answered honestly. "The fact that Blake is involved in all this worries me. Sam didn't give me a lot of info to go on but I can only imagine it is bad. Blake is a scary motherfucker, that you don't want to mess with."
Jenna nodded. "Yeah, I've worked that out from some of the stuff you've told me in the past. How the hell did you end up dating a psychopath like him?"
I sighed, wishing my naivety and immaturity hadn't led me to make the decisions I had. But no amount of wishing could change my past. "I was so messed up and pissed with Christian, and Blake was just there one night. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Dad and I weren't really speaking and I was annoyed at him too. I knew that being with Blake would piss him off. I think I kinda did it to get back at all of them; Christian, Dad and Sam."
This was the most I had spoken about my relationship with Blake to Jenna, and she encouraged me to keep sharing. "So you hooked up with him and then kept seeing him?"

 "So you hooked up with him and then kept seeing him?"

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