Chapter Two

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"Hey, Girl! I'm home," I yelled out as I came through the front door.

"I'm in the lounge, babe," came the shaky reply, and I headed towards the voice. The scene I was greeted with left me stunned and strangely creeped out. My best friend and roommate, Jenna, was wrapped up like a burrito with snot and chocolate round her face. I turn my attention to the TV, The Notebook was playing. "Hay babe, come sit with me." she says blowing her nose into a already saturated tissue.

"What the hell has happened? You look like shit." I say knowing full well that her waste of space boyfriend has blown her off again. Why else would you watch the notebook unless you wanted to cry.

"B-b-be-ben broke up with me," she says barely holding it together

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"B-b-be-ben broke up with me," she says barely holding it together. "He'd been cheating on me with some skank at work."

I grabbed her and pulled her close, stroking her hair reassuring her that its going to be okay and if she wanted me to kick his ass. After a few hours of girl time and being forced to watch the notebook, I made it to my and crawled into bed. I was exhausted but sleep eluded me. Thoughts of the club and my life assaulted me, as much as I tried to avoid them I couldn't.

Life was never the same since that night. The night Kit attacked me, back when I was dating Christian, the guy who was my end game, my forever. Our relationship was never the same after that night, seeing the man you love, take another life isn't something you want to see at the age of nineteen. Me and Christian grew up together. He joined the Brotherhood when he was nineteen. I was seventeen, and boy did I fall hard and fast. What started as a bit of friendly flirty ended in a fiery relationship.

We had our issues, as did every relationship. Ours where just a tad more complicated than most. After the attack, Christian tried to wrap me up in cotton wall. I couldn't handle being dictated too and the strain began. I started to drink my weight in alcohol and shut everything and everyone out. what started out as a bit of fun, quickly got out of control. Christian desperately tried to get me help, but I knocked down his attempts.

The final nail in the coffin was the club whores. They have a habit of causing trouble, I was just weak prey for them. Christian supposedly cheated on me with one of them, and me being in the state that I was in, believed them. So I left.

The year after the break up, I hit my lowest point in life. My drinking got ten times worse, I didn't talk to my friends and family, I started seeing the worst and most abusive person in the world. Who just so happened to be the VP of the Blood Spiders, Blake. So you can imagine how that went down with my father and the club, let alone Christian.

 So you can imagine how that went down with my father and the club, let alone Christian

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A few months later I found out that Christian didn't cheat on me. That very same day, was the day Blake beat me nearly to death. In his eyes, If he couldn't have me, no one could. He didn't like the idea of me making amends with Christian or my family for that matter. From that day my life has lead me to where I am now.

Fighting illegally in the underground, it does beat any AA meeting. I tried, but sitting in a circle telling people how I ended up there wasn't for me. Not even Jenna knows what has happened to me, I wasn't going to tell a bunch of people I don't know. The demons I carry are for me alone, I wouldn't want to give my burdens to anyone.

On the outside I may look like I have it together, but on the inside it's a constant battle of wills and I'm trying not to loose it. Everyday day I'm just going through the motions, playing it safe and trying not to give too much away.

The problem is, how can you heal yourself when you don't know how?

(A/N: Don't forget to vote and let me know what you thought of the story so far.)

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