Chapter Three

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The day after receiving the phone call from Bucky, I was feeling vulnerable. Thinking about the brotherhood and Christian stirred up old feelings of hurt and anger, feelings I'd spent the last couple of years avoiding. In order to move on and get passed this, I need to lock away all thoughts of Christian. I hadn't allowed myself to think about him and that worked for me, but it wasn't working so well after receiving the call. Alcohol was my friend before, the cool liquid would calm my worries. Now it was my enemy. Being two years clean, I've had no problems getting off the booze. And while I didn't feel like a drink, I knew myself enough to know I needed to be at work, punching a few bags.

Once I was done, I headed straight out. usually Jimmy tries to catch me to talk about up coming matches.

Once outside in the cool February night, I light a cigarette as I walked back home, I only live four blocks away so it seems silly riding my bike to work. Deep in thought about what I had done today, I remember I was suppose to call my brother. Crap!

I pull my phone out and dialled his number. No answer. Fuck. He is going to be pissed at me. I left a voice message and then sent a text to Jenna, to let her know I was on my way home.

Me: On my way home, what's for dinner?
Jenna: Fuck off. Your taking me out!
Me: Am I? You best wear that slutty dress for me :P
Jenna: Oh, I'll wear it babe but I'm not putting out for you ;)

God, how I loved this chick. she was my sunshine at the end of a shitty day. Even on days when I was exhausted, she managed to pick me up. I would forever be thankful for the day she came into my life. When I moved to San Francisco I hadn't expected to find a new family, but that was just what I found. I'd started at Jimmy's place, just doing a little training session with some legitimate customers and Jenna was the receptionist. We'd hit of off straight away. We shared the same sense of humour, and both bonded over our love for slutty dresses, heels and inked men. Jenna introduced me to her inner circle of friends and I became fast friends with them as well. The four of us were inseparable and they were always there for me.

My phone rang and I answered it, without looking at the caller ID, with some attitude, figuring it was my brother calling back. "Sam, what the fuck is so urgent that you felt the need to leave five shitty messages for me?"

A chuckle came down the line. "Babe, You've got the wrong man."

"Oh shit. Sorry Craig, I thought you were Sam. Thank god, it's you." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Obviously. What have you done to piss him off?"

"Nothing. You know what Sam's like. Always finding something to be pissy about," I snapped. Jesus, just thinking about my brother gave me the shits.

"Babe." Craig paused and i was sure i could actually hear his mins ticking over. "The words pissy and Sam Jones do not go together in the same sentence. Your brother is far too intense that pissy just doesn't cover it."

I blew out a long frustrated breath. "Yeah, you're right about that." Craig had met Sam a couple of times, so he'd seen first hand just how intense my brother could be. "Not that i mind, but why did you call?"

"Jenna told me what a shit day you had, so I've made you dinner. Bring Jenna too, otherwise she will kill me."

"You're a superstar, Craig Donald. We'll be there in about half an hour."

"See you then," He said and we hung up. My day had just gotten better. It was funny how the simple things that friends did could mean so much.


Two hours later I was at Craig's house when my brother finally returned my call.

"Sam," I answered and mentally banged my head against the wall. I really didn't want to deal with his shit.

"You been updated?" Yep, he was pissed at me.

I sighed. "Yeah, Bucky called." I hesitated and then threw caution to the wind. "Sam, I don't need or even want to be kept in the loop on this shit." As I held my breath and waited for what I knew would not be a pretty reply, I couldn't help but think of the irony in this situation. Years ago I'd begged Christian to talk to me about club business and now I wanted nothing more than to be kept out of the loop.

"Fuck, Jasmine! You got no choice. The club needs to make sure you're safe, so you need to fuckin' wise up and take this shit in."

"What part of "I'm out' don't you fucking understand?" I rubbed my eyes. It was too late for this argument.

"What part of 'you are never out' do you not fuckin' understand? he snapped back.

I knew I was testing my brothers patience but I gave up caring about that a long time ago. I sat silently, trying to process everything he said.

"Why do we have to rehash this crap every time you decide I should come back?" I searched for Craig's eyes and found them focused on me. He gave me a tight smile and I shook my head back at him. This stuff between Sam and me never got any easier, and Craig knew how hard it was for me.

Sam softened his tone. "Jasmine, its different this time. Blake is involved."

A chill ran along my spine at the mere mention of that name. I sighed again, resigned. "okay, talk to me."

"Blake has made threats against the club so dad wants you to leave San Francisco. Move back here, where we can protect you." Sam finally got to the reason for the call.

"No." There was no way I was moving back.

"Why the fuck do you have to be so fuckin' stubborn about this?" Sam's anger filtered through the phone again and I imagined him pacing and getting ready to punch something.

"Sam, you know what I left. I can't come back," I pleaded. I walked out onto the balcony, lit a cigarette and took a long drag. Sam had stopped talking and I hoped he was remembering the mess I was when I left.

"Okay." He blew out a long breath. "But I'm putting a guy on you."

This was not what I wanted but I knew better than to argue. It was Sam's version of a compromise, and as he was not known for compromising, ever, I was grateful.

Only question left now was who would he have shadowing me? Just as I was about to ask, Sam hung up. Shit!

I just hope its not him.

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