Chapter One

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Four Years Later...

Lights, cheers, brutality and utter satisfaction.

The taste of blood and sweat was all to familiar to me, I can feel the drops pouring down the side of my face and splash down on the pad beneath my feet.

The taste of blood and sweat was all to familiar to me, I can feel the drops pouring down the side of my face and splash down on the pad beneath my feet

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My opponent, a two hundred and fifty pound man mountain. In the underground they have their own set of rules. It didn't matter what your race, sex or age was. every fight was fair game, the riskier the fight, the higher the prize. In this case, the stakes were very high.

I may not be built like a brick shithouse, but I have speed and motivation on myside. I wasn't going to lose this match.

I use the palm of my hand and ram the tip of his nose upwards, whilst he was dazed I jumped and locked my legs tight around his waist. I could feel him pulling at my legs, but I just squeezed tighter. In panic he tried to grab my hair, so I locked his arm tight under mine, eliminating any escape from my grip. I then drive my elbow down as hard as I could into the side of his head. loosening my grip, my opponent went down like a sack of shit. Game over.

After showering what was left of the fight from my body, Jimmy the fight organiser comes in. Now I'm confident in what I have, but the thought of that leather faced arsehole seeing me naked made my skin crawl. I managed to grab my towel just as he made his way round the opening of the cubical.

 I managed to grab my towel just as he made his way round the opening of the cubical

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"Ah, Jasmine there you are." His eyes wondered over my barely dressed body, it took everything I had not to smack that look of his face. "Perfect performance tonight as always, babe." Barf!

Clutching to the towel for dear life, I made way to my locker. "Of course Jimmy, when have I ever let you down?"

"Never," he says licking his lips "you've always been my go to girl." Don't hit him, don't hit him. No matter how much you want to jazz.

Taking a deep breath, trying to hold in my anger. I turn to face him suddenly having to take a step back as he was way to close for comfort. "So how much did I make tonight?"

Clapping his hands with excitement, he pulls an impressive bundle of notes from his jacket pocket. "In total, my little money maker, we made forty grand." We? Son of a bitch, you did nothing. With a sadistic smile he continues, "So that means you get sixteen and I get twenty four."

As much as I wanted to protest, I can't complain. as much as jimmy makes my skin crawl, he helped me when I needed money and fast. When I moved to California I had nothing but my Harley and the clothes on my back. On my first day here I got into some trouble with the wrong people, Jimmy saw what happened and took me in, impressed with how I handled myself. He gave me a job at one of his legal boxing centres, after a bit of training he put me in for my first fight. The money was never enough and Jimmy knew that, so here I am. Making sixteen grand in one night, a girl can't complain.

"When's the next fight scheduled?" I say placing the money with the rest of my things.

Walking away, Jimmy stops mid step and turns to his side. The light above highlighting the deep creases from his sadistic murk. "I'll call you in a few days, make sure your available." with that he left, leaving me to finally to get dress and get the hell out of there.

Ten minutes later I was on my way home when my phone rang. Digging through my bag, I check the caller ID. Private number. Nope, not today. I ignored it and threw it back into my bag. Unfortunately, the wanker was persistent and rang again. It's only going to be one of the automated calls. I ignored it again but after three more rounds, I was beyond pissed.

I jabbed at my phone to answer it and snapped, "Look asshole! I don't know who you think you are but-"

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I jabbed at my phone to answer it and snapped, "Look asshole! I don't know who you think you are but-"

"Jasmine, it's Bucky. Don't be mad, but I've got news for you that you're not gonna like very much."

Oh shit. Bucky was a member of the brotherhood, the motorcycle club that my dad was the president of, and my brother, Sam, was the vice president, not only that, He is part of it too. I grew up in and around the club, it was my family. That was until I walked away from them, now I try to stay away from the drama and business of the club. They supported me going, even If my dad was reluctant to let me go, ideally he wanted me where he could keep an eye on me. Sam often called and visited, trying to convince me to come home, specially now that he has a old lady. I cant go back, not now. Going home would be going backwards as far as I was concerned.

Taking in a deep breath, I cleared all thoughts to hear him out. "What's up Bucky? What has happened now?"

"Sam wants you back here. There's some major shit going down with the Blood Spiders and he doesn't want you alone in case they retaliate by coming after you."

The Blood Spiders MC has been a long rival club, the brotherhoods issues started with them when my mum and dad met, my mother was originally with the old president of the Blood Spiders. That was until my dad found her and rescued her. We always had issues with them, so I couldn't see that this would be any different.

Bucky, I'm fine, I can take care of myself and you can tell Sam I'm not coming back."

"Its really bad, darlin'. Be best if you did come home."

"The answer is still no! Not fucking happening." I wipe my hand over my face in frustration, wishing he would just accept that I won't be coming home.

There was a long pause, while he took into what I said, I could hear him breath out a loud sigh. I know he's just doing his job, I'm every members worst nightmare. The stubborn presidents daughter, I cant blame them if I'm honest, I'd hate to deal with me too. "Right. I'll pass that on to Sam," he replied and the hung up.

Wow. He gave up way to easily. I stared at my phone, wondering what their next move would be now that I said no. My brother rarely took no for an answer, somehow I don't think he will make this an exception. The main question on my mind would be, What the hell have they gotten themselves into now?

(A/N: Don't forget to vote and let me know what you thought of the story so far.)

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