Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Turning on my heel away from Elijah I start walking away I get about five steps away before I am tugged backwards stumbling into his chest feeling the sparks fly throughout my body I turn around to find him already looking down on me I take a step back freezing when I hear howling in the distance we look at each other sniffing  the air around us. “fuck rogues hide now" Elijah shouts as he clearly mind links the packs warriors. I frantically turn around looking in all directions until I see to the left of us nine trees away that there are four wolves stalking us I point in the direction mind linking Elijah. “they are over there nine trees to the left stalking us they think we haven’t seen them how far out are back up?” I question taking two steps back while keeping my eyes trained out the wolves approaching but to them it looks as if I am just talking to Elijah unaware of them. “keep fighting and act like we haven’t smelt them” Elijah says through mind link I give him a small nod before slapping him hard across the face. “what part of give my fucking space do you not get I’m not one of your whores you can tell what to do and how to do it” I shout shaking my head “ you know what your wrong I already told you she is dealt with” he says looking at me with fury blazing in his eyes at the fact I have just slapped him across the face.

I mind link “they are coming into view now" I jump back stripping as my wolf begins to break through I land on all four legs in a defence stance waiting for Elijah to give the orders I see the wolves start running and I leap forward growling i hear snarls and out the corner of my eye I see Elijah’s beautiful golden brown wolf sprinting past me howling I start running after him lunging at the rogues mid air I latch onto one of them throwing it to the ground and I start biting and using my paw to keep him down on the ground in the distance I hear more howling running towards us “ the warriors are coming keep him down I’m going after the leader” Elijah shouts through the link giving us all our orders I keep mulling at the wolf I have under me. I feel a sharp pain in my side and look down to see and other wolf biting down on my side I howl in pain and jump back circling around with a she wolf as I look at her due to her size being smaller than the wolf I had just taken down I snarl leaping forward and biting down on her neck effectively making her drop in submission. I hear snarls and howls seeing that my pack are now on the scene “take them down and then take them to the cells for the alpha to decide their fate” I say as I keep the she wolf down she snaps and snarls trying to get out of my grip I press my paw down on her back applying more pressure so that she’s unable to move I link in “someone get the silver cuffs we have 3 wolves down here make it quick” I say not letting go of the she wolf I look around to see there are 4 wolves still fighting and 3 rogues lay on the ground in their human forms holding their arms or legs screaming all you can smell in the air is blood and dirt I whimper from the pain in my side I feel the she wolf starting to shift underneath me back into her human form aswell I take a step back ready to pounce If she tries to make a run for it.

I hear the sound of chains rattling and look to my left seeing Ben from the pack with gloves on his hands holding the chains “ get these filthy muts cuffed and to the cells we need to find the alpha” I spat through the link I see them all nodding their heads and begin to cuff them and Drag them away one by one kicking and screaming. I look around sniffing the air trying to determine which way Elijah ran I find his scent and start sprinting towards it I have to get to him I keep thinking as a pain begins to worsen but I can deal with my wounds after I have found our alpha. Coming to a stop it’s a creepy kind of quite I don’t like the feeling I’m getting in the pit of my stomach “where the fuck is my back up” I shout through mind link hearing the chatter that they are coming they went to clear the boarders “Elijah can you hear me” I ask through the link. I snap my head to the right hearing howling and snarls in that direction I quickly run trying my best to make any sounds I crouch down through the bushes and in front of me is Elijah and an other male scratching and biting at each other Elijah’s wolf looks pretty banged up but not as much as the other one does “yep now I’ve gone and done it” I say to my wolf as they both stop fighting and start sniffing around but the rogue has made one fatal mistake his has his back to me I leap out if the bushes and straight onto his back clamping down on the back of his neck the force of me jumping on him is enough to bring him down but he soon starts trying to knocking into the trees I bit down harder as he starts slamming me into it.

Elijah stalks his way around the rogue and bits down on his throat the slamming stops and a howl of pain erupts from the rogue  whining  and whimpering. I let go of and he drops to the floor with Elijah’s wolf’s jaws still around his throat we hear the thundering of paws on the ground the vibration going through my body I look around spotting three of our warriors coming out of the forest and then see ben jogging behind with chains in hand. Elijah let’s go of the rogue as he falls to the ground again Elijah shifts into his human form shift now you rotten son of a bitch” Elijah bellows. I avoid looking at him in all his naked glory I take steps back but I see all of his back is marked up but his beautiful tattooed back is still breath taking even with all of the claw Mark’s down it they will heal in no time but my eyes linger on perfectly round sculpted  tattooed ass for a few moments to long as I hear “ like what you see there baby it’s all yours if you want it" I snarl looking at his face “in your dreams Davies” I turn on my paws and start running for home as I run through the trees I stop where I left my bag and pick it up with my teeth and start running again for home feeling exhausted and in pain I get to the porch of my parents house and start to shift back feeling my bones pop and break to take my human form I quickly grab myself some clothes from the bag and start to quickly get ready as I pull down my top I see the full extent of my injury’s from the bruising to the holes where the rogues canines pondered my skin as I pull the top down my mam  comes running out of the house grabbing a hold of me.

“Oh my baby are you ok I was so worried when your dad told me your ran off to find Elijah are you hurt” my mam frantically looks at every inch of me her eyes scan me and see the red forming on my top and she lifts it to see the bite wound. “ come let’s get you into the house and get this cleaned up" man says as she reaches down to grab my bag for me we walk up the steps and into the house the lights are so bright it takes me a moment to adjust to the light. “ come to the kitchen and I will look at your wound my darling” I follow behind her through our living room and onto the dinning room I stop at the kitchen door looking around for the alcohol wash I know it’s going sting like a bitch but it needs to be done. I watch as my mam clatters around the kitchen grabbing everything she needs as she stops and looks at me mentioning for me to roll my top up so she can see what she needs to do. I follow her instructions looking down at my wounds I notice the bruises are starting to fade but for some reason the bite itself hasn’t started to heal yet “that’s odd” my wolf says.

I whine and wither as my mam starts cleaning the bite with antiseptic lotion and salt water seeing the blood slowly leave my body it was a nauseating sensation but I grit my teeth together while mam cleans “ I know your strong baby girl but this bite may have an infection the bruises are healing like they are meant to but the actual bite isn’t” nod my head watching how my mam cleans and then sprays it with a spray that makes the skin feel tight like it has a plaster over it. “I will hold while you go an take a hot shower then put a dressing on straight away” man says and she pushes me back to the dinning room “ go now get cleaned up and straight to bed so you don’t get sick I will leave your meds on the bedside table” looking over my mothers heart shaped face and her beautiful smile I lean over and hug her “ I love you mam I know I don’t tell you enough” I say letting go of her. I run through the house heading up the stairs two at a time and I get to the top I look down seeing my wounds leaking again “this is ganna be a long night" I think to myself as I walk through my bedroom and over to my bathroom I take the rest of my clothes off turning the hot water on I turn around looking at myself in the mirror and gasp at what I see my face I have dark rings under my eyes and a bust lip as well as tear stains I turn back around to check the temperature of my shower before getting into the shower and sliding under the hot water taking the feel of it running down my body it’s the best feeling right now my stresses and worries slowly slipping away from me even if it’s only for a few minutes I take my new shampoo and conditioner out the scent is rose and jasmine I lean my head back under the font enjoying the feel before quickly washing my hair after ringing out my hair I start to scrub my body to remove all of the mud from fighting. I stand there under the font for about five minutes before turning the water off and getting out as I get dried I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth as i open the door i see that my mam has given my home made cookies and four different sets of pills to take i don’t question it i take the pills in my self hand and grab the glass of water with my right hand I tilt my head back and through the tablets into my mouth and then take big gulps of the water I set the glass back down and open my draw on the night stand and quickly get changed into a sports bra and panties before getting into bed. I roll around pulling at my blankets trying to get comfortable before drifting into a deep sleep.

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