"Let's go get some food..." I mumbled.

Seated at a cheap grill place a few blocks away from the campus, I nervously nibbled at some fries. Kennedy scrolled through his phone, reading something. His attention was far away which gave me an excuse to further withhold my confession. I was getting cold feet. Literally and metaphorically. I glutted the small potato strips, drenching them in different dressings as I hectically chewed. I was chickening out.

"Uh... Micah..?" Kennedy stuttered. I shot him a deadly glare as I chewed the potatoes in my mouth. I was definitely not ready for his reaction. He suddenly laughed, catching me off guard. "I'm not gonna steal your fries..." He laughed. I looked down and found myself holding the small trey of fries against my chest and blushed. Gosh, what was happening to me? "Is everything okay with Jayden?"

I stiffened, freezing in the chair. "No..." I whimpered, surprising myself with the response. "I feel like I seriously hurt his feelings and I'm not even sure how..."

We stayed silent. Kennedy didn't say anything else, probably not wanting to know. It made me feel guilty. Kennedy obviously had a crush on me, the guy couldn't look at me without blushing or smiling or awkwardly stuttering. But Kennedy was just Kennedy. Just a friend. But then what was Jayden? Wasn't Jayden just a friend? And we slept together... twice. I found myself glancing at Kennedy, blushing as I thought of what Jayden had once said. 'I could go for a threesome with you and Mr scrawny' my stomach fluttered. Maybe giving it a go would be... "No!" I yelled at myself. "That's not what we came here for!"

The restaurant silenced. People turned to look at me and I found myself blushing all the way up to my ears. Kennedy looked a bit weirded out a first until he started laughing.

"What the fuck?" He laughed.

I hid my face in my hands. I felt dizzy and weak. Not nauseated though so that was a plus. "I have to tell you something..." I slowly began.

"What's up?"

My hands fell onto my lap, eyes closed. I really didn't want to say it. "I'm... I'm pregnant..."

Kennedy's eyes widened and he arched his brows in disbelief. "What?" He stuttered. I couldn't tell if he hadn't heard me or if he was just confused.

"I'm pregnant..." I repeated as my face heated up.

"Yeah, I heard you the first time..." Kennedy awkwardly chuckled. "But like what do you mean..?"

I clenched my fists. This oblivious asshole. How much more obvious could I be? "There's a fucking baby in my fucking stomach..." I growled.

"Like a food baby?"

I wanted to slam my head onto the table. "No..." I said rather aggressively. "There's an actual human baby growing inside my stomach..."

"How..?" Kennedy awkwardly laughed. "Are you trans or secretly a girl or something?" I could tell that he was getting nervous. I felt bad for him in a sense. He was really having a hard time accepting it. The sudden urge to punch him came over me and I quickly shut the idea down in my head.

"Have you ever... Uh... heard the term 'intersex'?" I mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah..." Kennedy said. His voice was shaky.

Intersex (Mpreg) [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon