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The sun rose, peaking through the window of the four wall bedroom. It was a quiet and peaceful morning until the door bursted open, three grown kids piling onto the bed with their mother. 21 year old Amara and 19 year old fraternal twins, Mikal and Lesane.

The tired woman rubbed the coldness out of her eyes and glanced amongst her kids before a soft smile appeared on her face. She wasn't feeling up to par, but her kids always made things better.

She felt down and out because she was aware of what day it was-it was 20 years since the passing of the love of her life and the pain was still severe as ever. She could carry on with life but it still felt like a dreadful task.

"What are you guys doing here? If I remember correctly, Amara you should be at work. And boys, you're supposed to be in college right now. I wouldn't want to call the school and hear that you guys have been skipping class." She sat up and looked at the three of them with a scowl.

It was safe to say that the children who were now adults, were living normal lives. Mika raised them away from the spotlight and when they were old enough to make their own decisions, they could do whatever they wanted.

That night when she left Misa's house was one of the most life-changing thing she could've ever done. She left to the airport and flew all way to Seattle, which became her home for the next two decades.

She made it possible so none of her upscale friends could keep in contact with her. Her parents were still in her life, but they weren't as close as before. They still lived in Compton. All that really mattered to Mika, were her kids and making sure that they were shielded away from the trashy and non-glamorous life of stardom.

She knew that people wondered about where she was and how could someone as talented as her fall off but she didn't care to address anything. Since the internet became a popular thing, she would see forums such as Lipstick Alley write just anything about her and people would actually believe it.

Things were said about her regarding her finances and how she was flat out broke, or how her kids were given up for adoption. And one that ticked her off the most-she was involved with Tupac's murder.

All of those accusations were outlandish and out of her character. But she knew it was only because they wanted attention themselves. "Well, we all stopped by so we could spend the day with you." Amara announced as she leaned forward to plant a kiss on her mother's cheek.

Mika quickly grew suspicious. Her kids never wanted to spend time together because they were out living their lives like she wanted them to. "Amara, I know you better than you know yourself so I can tell when you're lying. What's really going on?" She furrowed her eyebrows in full curiosity.

Amara exchanged glances with her brothers before finally deciding to speak. "Okay, I'm sure you know today marks 20 years since dad passed away and I know how you get every September 13th. You distance yourself and completely shut down. It's still hard for you and it's hard for all of us, really. But we're the only piece of family that you're willing to deal with so we're here for you." She explained, watching as a single tear escaped from her mother's eyes.

"We didn't grow up with him but ever since we were little, you always told us something about him. And that only made it feel like we knew him all along." Mikal spoke up, reaching over to hold onto her hand.

It melted her heart, hearing her kids speak so kindly of her. She made so many mistakes in her life, but one thing was for sure, her children weren't. Not only did her children hear so many stories about their father, and hear his music, as well as watch his groundbreaking films, they spent time with other people who knew him best.

They especially loved being around Afeni and every summer, they'd go to L.A. to stay with her, along with their cousins. She always instilled wisdom into their hearts like she did her son. But sadly, four months prior, she passed away. It was another painful experience, but Mika remained strong for her children who were distraught.

But one thing that comforted her, was the fact that she could finally reunite with her son again. Afeni always spoke about him, and when he died, he took half of her with him.

"You know, I really do wish he was still here. A lot has changed in the world, with the new music, fashion and with Donald Trump being president. He would've had so much to say about what's going on. He was way too powerful for this world, though. People couldn't handle it." She chuckled, although she was serious.

"And um, that's not it either," Lesane spike underneath his breath, quickly causing Amara to nudge him in the shoulder. "Ah, shit, Mar." He winched, earning a smack in the back of his head from Mika.

"Hey, you watch your mouth. But what else is there? Mar, you always have something up your sleeve, so tell me what it is." Mika warned, watching as she cracked under pressure.

"Fine, fine. Well, I kinda got in contact with Uncle Snoop and he sorta wants to see you. He even invited us all to a party in L.A." Mika's eyes immediately widened as she shook her head. One person she did keep in contact with was Snoop, and he would often visit her and the kids whenever he was in town. But he also knew that she didn't want anyone to know she still even existed.

"No, I'm not doing that. But if you want to, go ahead. I'm not putting myself back into that lifestyle." She stood up, slipping her feet into her slippers before stepping into the living room.

"Mom, come on. People have been wondering where you've been for so long and I can't believe you don't want to see your old friends. You don't talk to anyone, you stay secluded in this room. You even quit your job at the high school." Amara rested her hand on her hip, standing in front of Mika so she wouldn't move.

That was one thing Amara, she was a firecracker. She stood her ground, even when it came to her mother. "You act just like your father. You put your mind to something and there's no letting it go. If I go, will you promise to stop sweating me about it?" She questioned in an annoyed manner.

"Yes, thank you!" She stood up and placed her arm around her mother's neck. "Hey, hey, that's enough of all that. Let me pack up my things before I change my mind..."

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