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Ok then Sollux you should become a male sea dweller then! Yeah! *magical poofness*

"Fiir2t of all, IIm already a dude 2o-" *poof!*

"Wwhale... Sol~"
"Oh 2hiit.."
"I wanna touch your fins."
"No way! II know how 2en2iitiive they are two you, no way am II lettiing you touch miine!"

Do you guys like Dosney movies? If so, watch after ever after and tell me watch you think!

"Wwe...fuckin' lovve Disney..."
*looks up After Ever After*
((I love after ever after btw))

*they watch it and start laughing their asses off*

"Oh my cod! That wwas hilarious!!"
"W-Waiit...NUMBER 2!?!?"
"Play it noww!!!!"

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