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So Eridan, besides Harry Potter, what books do you read?

"Other than Harry Potter....oh! The Lord Of The Rings series!"





"What2 lord of the riing2?"

*eridan faceplams*


Sollux what do mew do when mew ar banned from something mew want fume it is the honey and I want a hone sandwich. But m mother is scary. What should I dooooooooo:(

"What? You want...honey?"

"Wwoww...nevver thought id hear that.."

"Ju2t...try not two get caught? But ...you 2houldnt bee gettiing iit iif your banned. But iif you really want iit...ju2t go for iit."

"Sol, if you say that you shouldn't be gettin somethin your banned from...the Wwhy are you eatin Cheerios! Your banned from them you knoww!"

"Yeah but II really wanted iit 2o II went for iit."


TG: ong can I hug ur shark? Also

*pulls jane over and pecks her cheek*

Hehe think it's bout time I brought did ladie over

GG: *blushes and waves everyone*

Hello! :B

Hi Jane!



OhMyGawd you two are adorable!!!

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