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Charlie: *looks at sollux* well do you have a story to tell then?

"About bee2." *sits down*

"IIn a tree off in a small green fiield, there wa2 a bee hiive where there liived only three bee2. Only three! They had a biig hiive all two them2elve2. One day, one of the bee2 told the other two: II wanna leave. The other two were very 2ad that the other diidnt want two 2tay wiith them anymore, but they knew that the younger bee would come back and mii22 home. 2o they allowed him two buzz off.

After a few day2 of exploriing, the young bee grew tiired. IIt wa2 flying hii2 way two fiind 2helter when iit 2tarted raiiniing. He had no where two go, and became very 2ad.

'II mii22 home' iit 2aiid wantiing the comfort and love back from iit2 famiily. But iit couldn't go becau2e of the raiin. He wa2 2tuck untiil the raiin had pa22ed. The next day, the liittle bee 2aw that the raiin had ended. Iit grew happy wiith exciitement and flew home a2 fa2t a2 hii2 wiing2 could carry hiim. Once he found hii2 home, he 2aw that the other two bee2 had been waiitiing for hii2 return. They were worriied 2iick about hiim when they 2aw raiin. Then they all liived happiily ever after iin theiir bee hiive. The end."

*eridan begins clapping*

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