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Hey admin what stories do you like that are on wattpad?


"Wwhy did you as that!?"

*smiles* oh...

So, so many..... Where do I begin?

Ugh....it will take FOREVER if I say all of them... So here are my top four favorites!

"Oh thank cod.."

" we would have been 2tuck lii2teniing two her..."

Hehe... Stuck... Well anyways my top four:

Insanestuck @that_killer_instinct

Ghosts shouldn't be this annoying @Erisolalldayeveryday

Say something @pikminchick

Shattered @steviebuscus

Oh I love those so much!

"Howw many of them are about us?"


"Oh god. Two!"

Hehe.. Well sorta.. Two and a half? One of them isn't the main shipping of you two, your only partly in it.

"What wa2 the maiin one?"

Um....... Hehe.. Next question...


Charlie: *cries in the corner* I hate my friends...

*hugs and shoosh paps you* It's okay.... Friends can be jerks sometimes....

"And wwere here for you!"

"Yeah! 2o forget all of your problem2 wiith them."


We're back! We managed to get all of our shopping done in time! Although Eridan took the longest! He has such a LONG list! Hey Sollux, nice to see you're back to normal! I guess it's Eridans turn to get teased, huh?

Hehehe. So admin, have you done any Christmas shopping yet?

"Oh yeah!"

"Hell to the fuckin no!"

"Oh come on~"

"No sol." *argues*

*whispers* I went Christmas shopping when I went out with Seba-Chan. They didn't see me bring in the presents so awesome!


Sorry fur not telling mew in the first place now I feel bad fur wasting roar time admin so here I some (insert favorite flavor) pocky

Oh it wasn't a waste of time! I actually got other stuff done! And thanks for the pockys! *noms on a chocolate one*


(( have you heard karkats version of Jingle Bells?


If you haven't you need to it's funny! X'D))

*all three listen to it and blurt out laughing at the end*

"Oh...oh my cod!"

"That wa2 the be2t fuckiing thiing ever!!!"

Oh my god! Sorry for laughing but.... Oh my god! Hehehehe!!!


TG: *calms down and gets back up, still giggling a bit* srry k I'm good, also sol u want me to loosen ur collar for u? Looks kinda fight here *loosens his collar* ok and my question is, or dare rather I dare u and Eri to sing Snata bby😉 wink wonk


"Oh! Shore! Come on sol! I knoww you knoww it!"

"Fuck that, IIm not 2iingii-"

"Please.... For me?"


*eridan clears his throat as sollux crosses his arms*

"Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me

I'vve been an awwful good girl

Santa baby, and hurry dowwn the chimney tonight~"

"2anta baby, an out-of-2pace convertiible two, liight blue

II'll waiit up for you dear

2anta baby, and hurry down the chiimney toniight~"

"Thiink of all the fun II'vve mii22ed

Thiink of all the fella2 that II havven't kii22ed

Next year II could be oh 2o good

IIf you'd check off my Chrii2tma2 lii2t

Boo doo bee doo"

"Santa honey, I wwanna yacht and really that's

Not a lot

I'vve been an angel all year

Santa baby, and hurry dowwn the chimney tonight~"

"2anta cutiie, there'2 one thiing II really do need, the deed

Two a platiinum miine~"

"Santa cutie, and hurry dowwn the chimney tonight!"

"2anta baby, II'm fiilliin'my 2tockiin' wwiith a duplex, and check2

2iign your 'X' on the liine

2anta baby, and hurry dowwn the chiimney toniight!"

"Come and trim my Christmas tree

Wwith some decorations bought at Tiffany's

I really do believve in you

Let's see if you believve in me

Boo doo bee doo!"

"2anta baby, forgot two mentiion one liittle thiing, a riing

II don't mean a phone

2anta baby, and hurry down the chiimney toniight!"

"Hurry dowwn the chiimney toniight!

Hurry dowwn the chiimney toniight.."

*claps REALLY impressed*

That was anazing!!!!!

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