Ask Sollux And Eridan

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"Me and Ed are 2o bored II actually thought of an2weriing que2tiion2 wiith hiim."

"Just shut up sol. You knoww your bored like me. Let's see Wwhat evveryone's askin'. This could be interesting."

*grins almost evily*

"Ugh....II got a bad feeliing...ju2t a2k U2 2omethiing." *covers face with hands*

"Heres the first question. Oh and it's for me!" *smiles*


Q: Eridan, have you ever had sashimi?

"Wwhat the hell is Sashimi?"

"II2nt that a fii2h?"

"Sol, there's no fish called that. Stupid landwweller...."

"Hold up....iit 2ay2 online that iit2 fii2h and riice."

*shows picture on husk top*

"Oh cod! No! Wwhy wwould I evven do that!? Wwhat wwrong wwith you!"

*cries in a corner*

"Hehaha!! Oh my Gog.!!Thank2 for askiing! You 2hould 2ee hii2 fuckiing reactiion!"


"Shut the fuck up sol! That's fuckin sea life!"

"IIt2 not aliive anymore!" *smirks*

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