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Charlie: *holds her platypus close and pokes Eridans side softly* um........ Can you tell me a story....I like our stories and was wondering if you can tell me one before I go to bed..... *looks up at you*

"Shore." *sits down*

"Once upon a time, there wwas an awwesome prince wwho-"

"Are you telliing a 2tory ba2ed off of your2elf?"



Why IS everyone going missing? It's quite a mystery...Hmm...maybe it's...? No. Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out sooner or later! Anyways, here sollux *hands him Winnie the Pooh stuffed bear* it's your spirit mammal. *giggles*

*takes the stuffed bear*

"Ju2t beecau2e of what II 2aiid?"

I think it's cute! *plays with Winnie's hand*

"2top that"


H3Y 50L R1D33 MYY 5K4473

804RDD *uses psiionics and puts sollux on a skate board*

"Waiit! Ah!" *tries not to fall off*

"Sol! Don't get hurt!"

"Tryiing two do that!"

Be careful with him Tuna. *smiles at him*

"Thii2 ii2 hard!!"

Signless_ :

*he nods firmly with a gentle smile* y9u're m9st certainly welc9me. And I /h9pe/ y9u tw9 at least learn a c9uple 9f things fr9m my 699k, like equality. Especially y9u Eridan, since y9u're the high6l99d here.

"Hey I'm not like that anymore."

"IIt2 true."

They'll learn something. I'll make sure of it...


TG: okay admin question, what would you do if Dave came up and kissed you like this *pulls dave over cuz majyyks and pushes him into admin*

Wait wait!!! No-Mmnhg!!!! *falls onto the floor blushing intensely*

"Holy 2hiit."


*pushes dave away and runs into the bathroom; locking the door and crying*

"Wwait...Wwhy is she crying? I thought she wwould be happy?"

*both sollux and Eridan look at each other confused*

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