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Since the pup is takin care of, this ones for admin

What got you into hs?

For Eri and sol

Have you met/seen anyone's fandom trolls?

Oh Gog... *clears throat* let me tell you....of how I got into Homestuck...

"What2 home2tuck?"

*facepalm combo X1029876516839186278293929727828287727282886694983722228383982278393765623665638839828910028726728282727282277*

Are....you....kidding me!?!?

"Wwhat is it?"

*puts a hand on his shoulder* Let me tell you about homestuck...

*one very very very very very long conversation later*



"2o....we are home2tuck?"

Basically... Okay where was I?

Oh yeah!

Well firstly it was my sister...

And the music. She wouldn't stop listening to Karkalicious! So I asked where it was from. She said HOMESTUCK. Me being new to this asked 'what's homestuck'

The next day she sat me in front of the computer and she entered me into this new fandom...... And that's how it all started... By one song.. A very good song might I add...

"II remember Admiin 2howiing U2 a piicture of thii2 troll...2he 2aiid 2omethiing about...fandom troll? II gue22....thii2? U2?"

"And she showwed me 'our' quadrants with other.....'fandoms'?"

Yeah! Doctor who, Hetalia, and Supernatural! Ah! It's perfect!


The AlternativeRuler:

Aww, you guys are all so adorable! So,sollux, Eridan, what now? Are you guys going to get little pets of your own?

*hugs eridan*

"Why get one ,when you have one already?" *winks at ED*

"Sol!" blushes*

"II don't thiink s0...II already have miine!"

*kisses his cheek*



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