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Random inspirational quote, NOW!))

"Oh 2hiit! Uh...Bee2 are love, bee2 are liife!"

"Holy fuck sol are you serious!?" *dies of laughter*

"2hut up!"

"Okay, um.... Don't be a salad."

Hey you copied from P-

"Shush admin! They don't knoww that..."

"IIm pretty 2ure they do..."

NabbitSmiles :


L00ks lIkE crO jUst Um, lEft. I'm AfrAId I hAvE UpsEt hIm. I mAdE cAkE fOr hIm bUt hE dOEsn't wAnt It. It's vElvEt cAkE. I AskEd nEpEtA tO mAkE thE cAkE A shIppIng bUndLe, EEEhh, And thE rIbbOn wAs fOr crO. SOrry If It's A bIt..dIstUrbing.

*blushi blushi*

**Admin, do you like caaaake? :3**

I loooovvvveee cake!

"Do not givve Admin that cake!"

"Why not?"

"Dude... It's admin! And cake! Wwhy wwould you Evven ask!?"

"Oh 2hiit, don't giive her cake plea2e!"

-Mituna-Captor- :

15N77 G00D

*spits out the fruit cake*

"That's the wworst fuckin fruit cake I'vve Evver had! No offense..."

I actually like it...

"WWhats wwrong wwith you?"

A lot of things....

RookieReader678 :

Admin: She's kinda like a descendant to Gamzee. Meh.

Yura: Hey GuyS, haS anYonE seEn GAmzEe?

Admin: Also, it was Vriskas descendant

"No we havvent."

"Nope. Haven't 2een hiim."

TheAlternativeRuler :

Hey guys, tomorrow is my bday, can I have a hug from some awesome trolls (AKA you two)? Also, question for all three of you, if one of your friends was a total shipping goddess/god (Nepeta or anyone else) and shipped you with someone, but wouldn't tell you who, how would you feel? What would you do?

*hugs you*

"I think I'vve had enough hugs."

"Come on. You liike hug2."

"Yeah...kinda...wwhale admin is the shippin goddess wwith her friends."

It's true.... I ship all of my friends together!

"And Admiin wouldn't tell U2 who beefore me and ED were mate2priit2 2o that kiinda freaked U2 out..."

"Like a lot...."


AquaShimmer :

JR: I G()T PR£S£/\/TS!! IT'S A

RC: You'r€ not $uppo$€d to t€ll TH€/\/\.

JR: Oh...oops?

Admin: I have a tree for you guys. You got decorations admin?

Got some while I was out!

"Oh Wwhat is it!?!?"

"ED they're not gonna tell u2."



TG: OH. MY GOD. YES!!!!!! *claps loudly* you wer amazing!!!!! ogm I cant even leik wow

"Hehe thank2."

"Your a good singer sol."

"IIm not that great unliike you though..."

"You should sing more..."

"No way..."


"Who2 2iide are you on?"

NepetakittenLeijon :

Admin sorry to bother mew with such a simple purroblem but what would mew do if mew thought roar boyfurriend was cheating on mew but mew were not sure?

"Wwhale ask him first. If he says no then you gotta go under covver."

"You would... But II agree wiith ED on the a2kiing fiir2t. IIf you 2tiill feel liike they're lyiing then.... Fiind out 2ome how..."

I-I'm not going into this subject...


Ok so what is roar guy's cure fur a cold? Beclaws mine sucks right now

"2nuggle up iin bed, and... Well admiin u2ually take2 care of U2 when we're 2iick."

Yup! I make then soup while they stay in bed and get rest.

"It helps a lot actually. I'm surprised..."

Just rest and have soup!


Hey Eridan! It's Vivian. I'm from a different session in an alternate timeline. Before I left, I said some pretty mean things to the you from my timeline and ended our matespriteship. It was hard on me too, but I had to do it and leave with my Lusus. Since I can't see the Eridan from my timeline anymore, I thought I'd ask for your forgiveness....

So, I'm sorry!

"Wwhale....I'm pretty sure that me wwould forgivve you don't... Your forgivven..." *smiles*


Sollux ERIDAN please do me a favor and take each other's glassses off then look each other in the eyes and tell each other what you love the most about them


"2ure." *they both take each other's glasses off and stare at each other*

*admin is watching from a corner trying not to fangirl*

"II love your per2onaliity.."

"I LOVVE your lisp an eyes."

"That2 two thiing2."

"Exactly.." *smiles*

ZzShadowNightmareZz :

Hey admin //POKES YOU

Psst admin! //POKES YOU AGAIN


(which are only two left since sollux ate some)

It made out of faygo


And i decided since i was hanging out with gamzee

I took some of his sopor.

Oh I'd love one! *takes it, didn't hear the sopor part and eats it*

"Wwait! Admin no!"

"H-hey ED~~~ KK took my hand2... Can you help me?"

"Oh cod wwhy? Now I'm stuck here wwith a high admin and Sol...fuck.."

Hey ERI!!!!!

"That wwas quick...oh my cod! Did you eat all of them!?"

What was left! Hehe..oh my god! Sollllllllll! What happened to ur handzzz!?!?

"2omeone took them!! IIm pretty 2urrr iit wa2 KK!!"

Oh noooooo

"Oh cod.." *facepalm*

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