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wwhale you knoww he wwanted an honest fuckin answwer so I havve it plain out an simple to him, plus howw come you twwo knoww Wwhat it is?

Signless_ :

That's actually is 9ne g99d questi9n Eridan.. H9w d9 y9u tw9 kn9w what it is?

"Ju2t beecau2e we know what iit ii2 doe2nt mean we watch iit. II found out through friiend2. Fuckiing a22hole2.... What about you ED?"

"........wwhale how does other me knoww Wwhat it is?! Ask him!"

"But they a2ked you."

"Wwe are still the same person."

"But your 2tiill diifferent."

"Oh my Gog just shut up already. I don't Wwatch it."


"Okay can wwe keep awway from that subject? It's pretty cod damn awwkwward."

"Um yeah."


Wwhat wwould you do wwith a drunk Ampora Wwhat wwould you do wwith a drunk Ampora Wwhat wwould you do wwith a drunk Ampora early in the morning?

"IIve already dealt wiith a drunk Ampora. But not early iin the morniing. Fuck you are 2ooo 2lutty when your drunk."

"Hey I'm not the girl right noww am I?"

"2hut up! You were 2tiill 2lutty."

"Wwhatevver. I bet you liked it."

"That wa2 a long tiime ago beefore we were mate2priit2 2o II diidnt......II miight NOW though."

"Oh cod." *blushes*

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