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Have y•u ever dealt w/th s•me•ne n•t l/k/ng y•u the way y•u like them? / need adv/ce... Please...

"Yeah....just....keep your head up. And if they don't like you then they don't knoww wwhat a great person you are and you deservve better."

"IIt2 kiinda liike that one quote...iif you love 2ome thiinh, 2et iit free. IIf they come back, love them and keep iit forever. Or....you can try and bee brave enough two tell them how you feel. IIt miight bee 2cary, but iif you don't try, then you'll never know iif they feel the 2ame way."

"You could also try becoming reely close friends...take things step by step. Maybe they'll sea the kiind of per2on you are...doesn't hurt to try."

Well...you can't really make someone love you....it hurts....but that's life.

I think everyone has this problem some point in their life.

I'm actually dealing with the same thing but all you can do is hope....

I know it sounds cheesy....but it's what you have to do.....


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