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NepetakittenLeijon :

Sollux sorry to ask a bit of a sad question but what would mew do if Eridan was kidnaped and beaten very badly by the time mew found him?



"Cry my fuckiing eye2 out that2 for 2ure."

"Aww sol."

"And beat the 2hiit out of whoever diid iit two him."



My jOb hErE Is dOnE I gUEss. I AlwAys fAll fOr yOUr frIEnds' trIcks. WEll, I hAvE tO sErvE crOnUs nOw. And Oh, SOl And ErI, Cro And mItUnA tOld mE tO gIve yOU gUys thEsE.

*gives both Eridan and Sollux necklaces with opposite zodiacs*

HOpE yOU EnjOy. ByE. And Oh, tEll mE whEn EqUIs cOmEs bAck. I nEEd A lEg.



"Oh thank2!" *puts it on*

"Noww evvery one can knoww your my property."

"ED!" *blushes*


"IIm not your property."

"Yes you are. "

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