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But waffles are like pancakes but with abs.. Haha.. No well fuck.. Sollux did you hear about the new game of mortal combat x? If so what's your thoughts to it?!

"Yeah, and II thiink the fataliitiie2 are amaziing!"

Same! I might get the game for my wriggling day! Which is coming up! Gemini! *high fives sollux*

No. Pancakes are the bomb.com.
Alright so this is for all of you. What Is your favorite food and why? And Eridan, have you ever been so hungry, but all there was to eat was fish, so you are you because of your hunger?


*Gasps* "Admin!"

What? It's good!

"Wwhatevver.. Anythin' that's not seafood.."

"II don't really have a favoriite, other than Cheeriio2! Oh! And Admiin 2howed me thii2 cereal called Homeycomb! IIt2 liike liittle bee hiive2! 2oooo cute."

"Um.. I'm not sure Howw to answwer that question.."

If any of you had to be one non-real creature what would you be? I would be a Demon. Also, do you like supernatural, Admin?

I wanna be a trolllllll.

"But they 2aiid non-real."

........ I still wanna be a troll.

"Maybee.. Werewolf???"
"I havve no clue.. "

Eridan will you marry Sollux?

"Um... I'm going to just.. Skip that question...." *blushes*

What are your guys favorite memory of your lusus? And what was your favorite game to play when you guys were little?
And not video games.

"II remember playiing hiide and 2eek wiith my lu2u2 once.. IIt wa2 fun.."

"I remember me and my lusus' wwatchin' Harry Potter together. And my Favvorite game wwould havve been Hide an' seek too.."

*walks in£ I-I got the s-spell Eh! O-okay. E-erm. *chants in foreign language*
*feferi turns back to normal* Done.
Anyways, have any of you played one game of FIVE Nights at Freddys Games? If so, who's your favorite character? If not play it please. I-I mean if you want of course.

"No, and II don't get what the biig deal about thii2 game ii2. IIT2 JU2T A GAME."

"I don't have a Favvorite character, but I played once. It scared the crap outa' me."

Ok, it took me soooooo long to get here, and I don't recall this one being asked:
What is your favorite game, if you have one? -Super-Casual-Admin

"2orry for bur2tiing your bubble, but II'm pretty 2ure that2 been a2ked."

"It has, and I don't even remember wwhat I said... I think I said Cod of Wwar?"

Hi I'm new to the book and finally caught up *sighs* anyways what was best thing you guys did together ?

"Um.." *looks away from each other* "Uhm.. There wwere... A lot of fun thin's..."

"But um.. II-II can't recall what the be2t wa2..." *rubs arm nervously.*

Have any of you seen The Haunting In Connecticut, The Comjuring, or Anabelle? If So, which is your favorite and why? If not, I recommend them all, they're really good horror movies.

"No, No, and no. Haven't 2een them."


I haven't either.


"Thank you for announciing that?"

"It's just an RP.."

You two are still being all moody.

"Hey, wwe're tryin'.."

Sollux, wwould you defend my male counterpart from the Empress? Ps, I'm dating an alternate vversion of your ancestor in the <3 Quadrant

"Uhm.. 2ure?"

Yay, everyone made up to each other. Now, I need to ask a favor. I live nearby, and I can hear you guys shouting. It's making my friend Damien mad. So can you tone it down a bit before he pulls out his scythe and goes all mortal combat on someone? Also for admin: do you want a pancake?
Oh yea and for Eri *throws a stuffed seahorse at u* and for sol *throws a stuffed bee at u*

"Sorry.. But that wwas a wwhile ago.. I don't think it'll happen again.."

"Yeah." *sighs* "2orry."

Yes I want a pancake!

"Oh my Gog, more bee2?!"

"My bed is already full of stuffed seahorse's"

(( I'm Thinking Of Ending This Soon ))

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