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Sollux: hey other me! IIt 2eem2 everythiing2 goiing well over here now! IIm glad you guy2 made up.

"Yup. And thank2 for the adviice! You helped a lot.....but why wouldn't you? Your other me!" *smiles*


Favorite day of the week? Don't be afraid to get technical.

"Monday2 and tue2day2."

"Let me guess...."

"Gue22 what?"

"Because Tuesday is the second day of the wweekdays but Monday is the second day of an actual wweek? Because the first day of the wweek is Sunday?"



"You know me 2o well...."


"I guess Saturdays? You knoww...weekend so it's the perfect time to party and stuff... Or just hang out.."


TG: whatre your guys dave movies? Mines probably.....actually idk I haven't seen many lolz

"Hey Admiin! What wa2 that book you talked about called?"

Hunger Games? What about it?

"Oh that2 the name! II really liike that moviie.. Hey Admiin wanna go two the midnight 2howwiing of Mockiingjay? Both part2?"

Oh my god yes!

"Oh Hunger games? That's a pretty good movvie! But my favorite wwould be-"

Harry potter?

"Howw did you knoww?"

"How do we not know? IIt2 all you talk about."


Hey guys! To celebrate your switch back to matespritship, I've bought gifts! Sollux gets boxes of Cheerios, and Eridan gets bags of sour octopuses! (Octopi? I don't really know!) congrats you two, I'm really glad you made up!

"Hell ye2!!!!" *rips box open*

"Fuck yeah!! " *tears bag open*

Damn I never knew how much they loved those

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