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Oh please,me, that's wwhat I'm doin right noww. *looking in a mirror* fabulous as alwways~ anywways, serious time; sol, heh, I wwant- I mean, dare you~ to let Eridan, me, wwhatevver, put a collar on ya. YOU'RE WWHALECOME, OTHER TIMELINE ME!

"And I fuckin thank you so cod damn much."

"What? No!"

"Oh come on Sol~ I already havve a collar for you!" *runs to get ine*


"Oh, this vviolet one I got a wwhile ago didn't fit lil' Seba-Chan."

"2iince when diid you leave two get hiim a- Hey!"

*puts collar on*

"Noww your officially my property."

"Thii2 ii2 2o 2tupiid....and iit2 tiight."

"It's missin somethin..... Aha!"

*runs away again and comes back with an Aquarius tag. Puts it on the collar*

"Noww it's perfect!"

"Waiit." *takes off tag and reads the back of it* "II fuckiing knew iit...."

"Oh hush. If you get lost then people wwill knoww to return you to me~" *puts it back on him*

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