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Yura: I knOw a CurE foR soPor SliMe. i UseD to Do iT on Him WheN he Was LikE thAt. aDmiN wiLl tEll You.

Admin: He had to down an entire bottle of Faygo. That's why he always has it.

"Wwhale that's good to knoww..and admin LOVVES Faygo. So that wwouldnt be a problem gettin her to drink it."

Faygo is the best thing ever.


poof Sol in an octopus costume and ed in a bee costume. what now?

"Oh cod.. I'm all black and yelloww..."

"Aw ED! Your a bee!!!!!!!"


"You look fuckiing cute!"

*blushes* "I could say the same to you."

"How do II even move IIn thii2? IIt2 hard..."

"I can't evven fuckin move my arms...."

"Admiin can you help U2 outa the2e?"

*takes a picture of them* Fine.



SoLlUx Eridan have you two ever done something that made admin fangirl so badly she fainted?

*both look at admin*


"Oh..." *grins* "Nothin...."

"No we haven't....but...Maybee we can.." *smirks*


(omgomgomgomgomgomg it's fücking sollux an eridan excuse me while I go die now I was having a nice life shït im dieing of blood loss cause my nose is bleeding so hard)

Me: just ignore her.

Anyway I dare you guys to do something so fluffy and adorable that admin passes out!


Wait what did they say?!

"You heard em' sol."*smirks*

"Wiith Plea2ure.."

*sol picks up Eridan and carries him*

What are you guys doing?

*they begin acting*

"Sol..." *fake crying* "I-I hurt myself.."

"What happened?!" *sits down on the couch with Eridan in his lap, holding him close*

"I..." *sniffles*

"ED tell me.." *eyes begin to tear up*

"I fell..."

"Are you okay?" *kisses his cheek*

"I....fell...fell for you."

"..II diid two..." *they kiss*

*admin screaming internally*

"Can you help me get better?"

"Of cour2e." *smiles and starts to-*

*admin faints*

"Wwhale that wwas quick.."

"Aw we diidnt even get two the be2t part...but she wiill faiint for 2ure when 2he 2ee2 2omethiing liike that." *smiles*

"Okay so... Wwhen Wwill she wwake up. Because I'm not pourin wwater on her like I did last time."

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