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*eridan is still pinned on the wall*

"Sol.....I'm just dangling over here you know...."

"Yeah. II know."

"Are you done wwith those fucking Cheerios yet?!"

"Oh yeah. IIve been done wiith them."

"Then Wwhy the fuck am I still up here!?"

"Beecause II want two keep you there. Now 2hut up. We have another que2tiion."

"It better not be about fucking food or fish...."


Ok, this is the question everyone wants to know. Have you guys pailed yet?

*sollux drops ED from the wall without warning.*

"Wwhat the fuck sol! You cod havve told me you wwere gonna drop me!"

"Okay IIm goiing two an2wer your fuckiing que2tiion before fii2hface come2 bac- HEY!"

*pushed out of the way by Eridan*

"Wwhats the question? I couldn't hear you all the way from over th......."

*voice fades out as a blush appears*

"Oh my fucking Cod! You did not just ask that!?!?"

"No we've never fuckiing paiiled! What2 wrong wiith you!? And be2iide2 iif we ever diid for 2ome fucked up rea2on we wouldn't tell you!"

"At least it wwasnt about fish and food.....and I might.....hehe....."
* pokes fingers together*

*sollux bangs head against the floor out of annoyance and embarrassment*

"What2 the next fuckiing que2tiion?!"

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