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Kanaya: *puts a hand in Sollux shoulder* At Least You Tried...Don't Worry I Bey She Accepted It. *shows a small smile*

*smiled back*

"I um....I...wwrote a note...like Wwhat Nep suggested..."

*slides piece of paper under the door*

Kira_Rogers :

T^T m-my hatchet

 charlienitram12 :

Kanaya: You Will Get It Back If You Promise Not To Hurt Or Threaten Anyone.

"Two bee hone2t that wa2 a pretty cool hatchet."

"Really scary in my perspectivve.."

 xRoxy_Lalondex :

TG: *walks over to eridan* hey eridan? can i ask you something? okay wlel its not rlly a question more of a... slap in th face? i dunno, just hear me uot.


TG: youre to proud. you let your pride get inbthe way and ruined your perfct mmatespritsgip and hurt someone you love (i know you still love him hun dont deny it). just gonna leave yuo here with that *walks over to wait for admin to come out*


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