Choose God

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So here was Joshua. He was probably on the top of the mountain. Almost fed up with the brethren. They needed to hear truth! How much do we need to hear truth! We must decide who we serve. He gives them options. There's A, B and C and however similar, only one is correct!

What we do can almost look like we live for God. That's how come the Pharisees never understood Jesus Christ, These people prayed. They preached. They were the leaders and yet, Jesus Christ never chose them amongst his disciples. Instead He went to choose a bunch of low class citizens if I may. Going to church doesn't make us Christians. If that were the case, then the bike that always stayed in my parents' garage is a car. 

God needs real worshipers. Genuine believers. People that are willing to get real and raw. Not hypocrites. Hypocrisy is just sad. The Bible says, we reap what we sow that's a scary scripture. (Scripture reference: Galatians 6:7)

We need to choose God. We have to choose God. God's vision and His plan is for all of us to have eternal life. That's why the devil will never stop fighting us. God shows us His vision from the beginning. All we have to do is just to worship Him. He doesn't condemn anyone. Had God been a condemning Father, He would have left us bereft of a savior. 

But God demonstrates His love by sending Jesus. When Jesus Christ died, God was simply showing us how much He loves us. He loves us so much, He was willing to sacrifice His only son. If God can give up His world for us, why can't we just choose Him?  

Like the Israelites, so many things have us entangled and focused on petty things. Having a relationship with God is the best thing we could ever have. The best love that human kind has ever received came from God.

Every choice we make has something deeper within. When the disciples decided to follow Jesus, they thought they just chose some man that went about preaching the word of God. They chose far beyond what they could imagine. 

Luke 18:28-30 New Living Translation (NLT)

28 Peter said, "we've left our homes to follow you." 29 "Yes," Jesus replied, "and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 30 Will be repaid many times over in this life, and will have eternal life in the world to come"

Every choice we make has something deeper within. Choosing Jesus gives us a passport to having eternal life. Haven't we made some pretty dumb decisions that cost us a whole lot? Like dating that guy that turned out to be a father of two? Every choice we make has something greater and far beyond what the human eye can see. 

Some of us might be stuck because of the decisions we made. We need to decide on whether we are following Jesus Christ or not? Captain America gave an ultimatum. Serve God or don't! But Joshua went on to say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  

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