Guilty, yet Redeemed

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In today's world, there's many things we fight for. I can name a whole bunch of activists that have a reason to for fight for whatever they want to see change in the society. The world seems to be at war with itself, fighting battles that may never be won.

There's also people that fight for human rights and have every reason to do so. We may have heard of the many wrongly convicted yet incarcerated for life. It's not too surprising a thing in our generation.No one is above the system, as the law constitutes.

In most countries, there's a stiff punishment to those that break the law. Regardless of one's social status, everyone is expected to obey the laws that govern the society. So what happens when you break the law? It's quite simple: You pay. 

Laws are set up in order that the society we live in is safe and peaceful. Now the world has shown us enough of what it's capable of doing. Can we go on trusting the world? Nope! We cannot.

The world has a limited way of governance. One minute something is good for the society and the next, that very thing turns sour.The things God promises us are eternal and are full of life. God's system is the best kind of system you'd ever want in your government. 

He had one son. The son in whom life cycles. God then decided to give Him up so that we could have a shot at salvation. It's a super interesting story and yet so few have really accepted the gospel.

It's still quite hard to comprehend, if I comprehend the gospel at all. It's quite unconventional if we are to relate what God did to the system of the world. We are all guilty, yet we appear innocent. Our innocence is not based on our merits, but is completely dependent on the obedience of one man. 

Romans 5:19 New Living Translation (NLT)

19 Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous.

Before Jesus came, we were doomed and completely destined to dwell in Hell. When He came, He made the difference. Because of one person, many will be made righteous.

Jesus makes us righteous. It is not something we worked for or something deserving. It was an act of pure mercy and kindness towards the fallen human race. Out of God's kindness came the gift of Jesus Christ in whom salvation was birthed!

Isn't it strange that we are yet still on planet earth. Feasting on God's goodness and kindness. Had it not been for Jesus, we would have never had the privilege and the opportunity we have now of being connected to Him.

According to the system of the world, we should have been the ones that got crucified. God who is entirely different from us, had another idea and another plan for salvation. There is no opinion that outweighs the brilliance of God. Our ways will always have deficiencies. Our ways will always have limits. Our resources cannot replenish. God is God all by Himself. He is the Father of the universe. 

God's love accommodates all kinds of people. The best kind of love is the love the Father has towards His people. Because of love, Jesus Christ came. There is nothing else that prompted the father except for the love He has for us. If God could love us, as terrible as we are, why do we still question His love for us? Why do we still seem unsure of His loving kindness? Wasn't it conspicuous enough when His son bled until He died?

When Jesus started His ministry, He didn't call the sumptuously dressed of an elite social group. He called a bunch of misfits. He wasn't among people that wore purple linen or that had special designer labels on their bodies. He called the least on the socio-economic ladder. He started out with people that had little or no education at all. Out of those people,the Excellency of righteousness was produced.

I can go on and on revealing the beauty of salvation, yet without accepting it, it does no good for us. The word of God came to the Isaiah the prophet concerning the son that would be gifted to the world.

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