Pushed to serve God

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Amos 3:3 New Living Translation (NLT)

3 Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?

This says a lot about the relationships that we have. Do all our friends help us in getting to know Christ better? The people we associate with says a lot about who we are and what we are all about. That's why the disciples moved together. They prayed together. If you saw Peter somewhere, John might be lurking around within the vicinity. I mean that both literally and figuratively.

 If I hang around a certain group of people, there's something I'll probably adopt from amongst them. It's very important to know those of our friends that genuinely seek Christ and those that don't. We cannot associate with everyone for so many reasons. This of course isn't to say we should condemn and judge every person. We need to know the kind of relationship to develop with everyone that we know. 

If you wanted to be a pastor of a church. Your closest friends would have the same vision perhaps. Can two walk in the same direction without agreeing? Who are your friends and what are they all about? It's very important to know for the sake of knowing Christ. Certain friendship would have to be given up, just because we know God. We would have to refrain from going to certain places as well, because of what Christ did for us. Again I ask, what has Christ done for you?

Abraham loved God and he was willing to sacrifice his only son because of the relationship he had with God. It's all in the Bible. We cannot be Christians and not have anything to sacrifice. Christianity started with a sacrifice. The genesis of our faith started out in sacrifice and in pain, and if we are followers, wouldn't we be expected to undergo the same things?

Every football player knows the things that come with being players. Much as we may admire the skills of football players like Messi, it takes a whole lot of discipline and training to amount to such greatness. If Messi were to stop training, he wouldn't be as valuable as he is, if valuable at all.

Whatever makes him a part of the team is also in the training sessions. So if we are called Christians, and cannot suffer a little, if we cannot lose luxuries and whatever it is we would need to lose, what then would identify us as Christians? It's not just about praying and studying the word of God, it's a whole lot more. 

We shouldn't be terrified in learning we need a little more of a push. There was chaos in this world, and God resolved it by sending His only begotten son. When we understand that the weight of today's' sinful world was carried on the shoulders of one man, and Him alone, would we have appreciated what Christ did for us.

The word of God is our guide and the very word is what sets us on the right path. Instructions come from the same word of God, and when we obey what is recorded, it changes everything. Salvation came at the price of being obedient to the vision that was sent through Jesus Christ. Disobedience on the other end only causes destruction.

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