Jesus Never Runs out

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Growing up as a little boy, I always wanted to be with my father even though I never always admitted it. If he disappeared even for a moment, I'd grieve. I'd wonder and imagine what things he could be doing without me. I'd yearn for his presence and hoped when he returned he'd bring me back a snack or two as a decent consolation for his absenteeism. As kids, our fathers were our heroes. They wouldn't wear masks and weird costumes, but they'd save us. They were almost super humans looking down on our midget-sized selves and reassuring us if we ever felt lost.  

Can you imagine the things God has planned for us? There's many instances when we lose track of God's presence. One minute He's online and the next He seems off. Not one notification from Him. It's almost as though we cannot reach Him. Like the cell service is down. We called Him. Redialed. Even left a message for Him. And in our anger and pain, we forget about Him and assume He left us to sail the sea without supervision.

 Jesus had just finished feeding the fivethousand. What a miracle! The Bible tells us only five loaves of bread and twofish were available. (See Mark 6:38-44) He had done something so great, it was hardnot to give thanks to God. It was so tremendous a miracle that none could doubtGod's Omnipotence. This is the kind of life the disciples were exposed to. Theyliterally saw Jesus at work. They watched Him pray to God. They watched Him todo what He did best; saving lives. The multitudes had travelled great distancesjust to meet Him. Readers, these bible folks never flew in the Boeing 777 andonly to be received by  Jesus' disciples at the airport in Bethsaida. They never traveled bymotorcade. They never rode donkeys, which was probably the most common mode of transportation in the Bibles times. The actually ran on foot, as the Bible puts it. If you back up a few pages in the reference scripture, you'd see it as plainly as you read these words. They ran.

Jesus has something so great to offer. The multitudes could see it. When you are as cool as Jesus, you attract all sorts of people. They'd sit around Him, with legs crossed perhaps and hands folded. And they'd listen to whatever He had to say. Jesus saw them as sheep going astray without a shepherd to lead them. He had compassion for them, just as He has compassion for you and me. He couldn't let them go bereft of godly counsel. They needed to hear His word as much as we need it. Jesus is the word in flesh. We need Jesus. 

The disciples were Jesus' ushers. Jesus had a company of anxious ushers. They were always the first to tell him how things might backfire. To be frank, they were supportive as they were pessimistic. We can all agree that Jesus' ways are literally out of this world. When we see lack, He sees abundance. While people may see us as misfits and outcasts He sees us as his chosen people. Regardless of whoever wrote you off, you are part of the people that Jesus died for. Not a small part, a very significant part. No man will ever die for you. If you were the only person on planet earth. Not just in Africa or In North-America. Whatever part of the world you live in? Jesus would still die for you. He didn't die because they were so many people around. His dying wasn't on the basis of how populous the earth was. He died because He wanted you and me at the center of His Bosom. 

The Bible says, God sent His only begotten son to die for the world. Are you apart of the world? Of course you are! You are not just a fragment of this world. You are not a small part of the world God created. You are His world. That's why His plans for you are different from the plans He has for your neighbor. If you weren't a big part in God's world, He wouldn't be seeking after you so strongly. God wants more for your life. There's more to what He wants to do with you. 

If God had wanted, He would have created all of us at the same time. Like boom, 8 billion people were born in all 7 continents of the world. Even if you know someone you share a birthday with, your being is absolutely phenomenal and beautiful to God. God took His time in creating you. He took His time in depositing gifts within you. You are created to function differently from others and what God chooses to do with your life is between you and God. Sometimes the enemy wants to make us feel less than. He wants us to feel like we are not good enough. Good enough for whom? Look, when God created you, He said, 'This is good'. Our goal should be in encouraging one another and helping each other reach purpose. We aren't to pull each other down and get jealous over who's better at this than the other. That wasn't God's plan for humanity. 


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