I Will Meet You On The Other Side

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There's a kind of fear that comes with the possibility of having a new system. At the moment, we realize that something is about to change. Whether or not it's good, there's that feeling of uncertainty that occurs in our minds. Human beings are people of habit. There's habits that we form, sometimes we see them, others times someone has to point them out on our behalf. 

  I'll admit, I love to make plans. It's a good feeling, waking up to a detailed plan of whatever set agendas outlined for me and created by me. What I am trying to say is sometimes it's difficult for me to follow through with what I did not plan for. Without making this, our thing, maybe there's more of us that struggle with this. That feeling of being out of control and not being able to do anything about it. If there's anything that makes man or any being feel helpless, it's actually being helpless in a given situation. There's a part of us that wants to help. Sometimes it comes off naturally in others than it does in the rest of us, but hey, we all want to help.

What about God who sees and hears everything that goes on the earth. The God who is so big and awesome that He calls the earth His footstool. (See Isaiah 66:1) He sees every little thing. Even the most inconspicuous activities. God can see the parts of you that were crafted by Him, the parts that you want others to see, but they don't just see yet. He designed you and made you just the way you are on purpose. Girl, if you have spots or freckles on your body that was just God being creative. A lot of us feel diminished sometimes. We almost feel hopeless and helpless and feel we have been discarded. Like that file on the computer that was dumped into the recycle bin. And only to be completely formatted from the computer so that evidence of its existence become vague. If that is you, your feelings are valid. You must know that your very existence was properly planned for by God Almighty. To become more of who you were created to be, connect yourself to your source. God decided to make a mark on earth by designing you. You are a branded and limited edition of God. Limited in the sense that, there's no one like you. And no one will ever be like you even if they tried.

The greatest love story ever written is found in the Bible. It's more romantic than Romeo and Juliet. More celebrated than Valentine's Day. It's a story of hope. A story that gives us such thrill that talking about it makes the hair in my follicles to rise. How great is our God that we should be gifted with His high profiled, demon-crushing, miracle working son. He walks the surface of the earth, healing paralytics, solving crimes and clearing people off the most wanted list of law breakers. He is as tough as He comes. As bold as described. He is both the lion of Judah and the Lamb of God. He is Jesus. Our savior. 

  He comes on the scene not wanting to intimidate people but to empower us. He tells us to give Him our burdens. He is Heaven's prized antique. He is the only hope for humanity. He is the perfect husband. He is our friend. Jesus Christ is the very reason for our salvation. We are saved by grace. Grace that Jesus Christ came with. The grace that He alone purchased for us by shedding His blood.

Many times the events that take place in our lives are things that we never foresaw. It all comes as a surprise. That's the beauty of life. It is hard to flow in the rhythm of a tune unbeknownst to us. If you are a youth, Hip-Hop might be your rhythm as opposed to jazz and the blues. We cannot always know what is going to happen. Life happens as some call it. We can all decide to make it the best thing that ever happened. Appreciating every moment. Learning to live in the now of times and looking forward to the future with hope and excitement.   

The disciples questioned their life's choices. Being stuck with a man that was ever audacious in all He did. A man that fed thousands. A man that seemed to always disappear on them when they needed Him. And when life almost swallowed them up, He'd reappear and His presence would simmer things down. They'd go on again trusting Him with a certain amount of skepticism. They couldn't be too sure. For starters, He was different. He possessed something a little strange. He came from a land foreign to his followers and settled in a place they called home. 

He took them places. Gave them new identities. Prayed with them. He prayed for them. He walked with them. And yet, they still never knew who He really was. He had strange attributes. Perfect attributes. He was as human as they were. Yet in some cases, He seemed more deity a being than any man that ever walked the surface of the earth. He didn't care for status. He hang around kids. Hang around people of different abilities. People of different disabilities. He accepted the most incapacitated of the human race and called them His own. Little did they know He'd die for them? They couldn't even perceive that His dying would include the older generations and the ones yet  to come. How could they have known? They only tasted a glimmer of His awesomeness. They hadn't known that the word in flesh walked among them.

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