God will not forsake you

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Genesis  4:9 New  Living  Translation  (NLT)
Afterward the  Lord asked Cain, “Where  is your  brother? Where  is Abel?” “I don’t know,” Cain  responded. “Am  I  my  brother’s guardian?”

Again God asked  a  question. This time Cain responds. Now he  could  have  ended at the  part where  he never knew about his brother’s whereabouts, but he  goes on.  ‘Am  I  my  brother’s guardian?’

This story  is still  very  familiar to me. Man,  I  have  lived this life. Cain was too  real a  brother not to show it. He  was real folks.  It’s like  my  parents asking  if  I  did the  dishes.
Mother:  “Robby, did you  do the dishes?”                                               Robby: “I forgot  I guess I was  too tired from not  getting a break  around here.”

Long-story  short, Robby  was beaten  and exiled from the  land of  Wakanda. Do  you see  something  similar? Which of  the two responded in a respectful manner?  Both boys  harbored negative  emotions.  The  tone  is disrespectful. ‘Am  I  my  brother’s guardian?’   God just  wanted to know where  Able  was. That’s the  tone of  a  person that’s  hiding something. That’s the  tone  of a  person that’s been harboring  anger. He’s trying  to hide  the fact that he committed a  sin. He  doesn’t come clean with God.  

His words carry  suspicion along  with them.  If  you ever want to hear the  sound of a  suspicious man, study about Cain and listen to him carefully. Get  yourself an audio Bible,  you’ll hear  him  very  clearly.  That’s  exactly what happens with sin. Sin makes one  run from the presence  God.  

Psalm  139:7-8 New  Living Translation  (NLT)
I can  never escape  from  your  Spirit! I can  never get away  from  your presence!   If I go up to  heaven, you  are  there; if I go down  to the  grave,[a]  you  are  there.

David was basically  confessing  that it’s impossible to ditch God. He  is everywhere.  It’s the  very  reason David had to get back on track.  In order  for  us to enjoy  the relationship we  have  with God, we  need to be completely honest with Him. Whatever intimacy  you’ve  ever  had with God,  I  am here  to tell  you that  you can have  more  than what  you’ve  experienced.  

God never  runs out. You  cannot run on the  same  oil every  day.  Even cars need an oil  change  every  couple of miles travelled. There’s  more  to whatever  you’ve  already seen. The  Father of  Heaven never  runs dry. He  always has more  than enough.

If  a  car needs a  regular  oil change, how much more do we  need  a  refill?  You  understand that God is never stuck. God will  never be  stuck. There’s no shuttle that’s unable  to transport God at this very  hour.  He  travels through time. Time  means nothing  to God. He  is the  eternal God.  

He  is the  God that was before  the  beginning. The God that created the  beginning. He  doesn’t need a  space ship to travel through time. He  doesn’t  need to create a portal to visit Earth like  we  see  in the  Sci-Fi movies. He  is the  I  AM.

Exodus 3:13-14 New  Living Translation  (NLT) 13  But Moses protested, “If  I go to the  people of  Israel and tell them, ‘The  God of  your ancestors has sent  me to you,’ they  will ask  me, ‘What  is his name?’ Then  what  should I tell them?” 14  God replied to Moses, “I am  who i am.[a]  Say  this to the people of  Israel: I am  has sent  me  to you.”  

I AM  is speaking  to us  today.  He  is calling  out to us. We  cannot miss  this opportunity  of communing  with the I AM.  It’s too  great a chance  to miss. He  is calling  out to us. Wrecked as we  are. He  wants us  on His side. He  wants us to see  Him as He  really  is. Could it be that there’s so many  voices  we  are  listening  to that  the voice  of  I  Am  has been drowned out?    What does it  have  to take, to finally grab  your attention?  He  is speaking.  He  will  always  speak. I  think it’s high time that  we  heard Him  out.  

There’s something  important He  wants to bring  out. Would we  care  enough to listen?  Would we, for  a  moment, just  listen to the  words of the  I Am?  It may  be  a  little scary, but that’s alright. What if  you could  really  be  an authentic Christian?  What if  you could be the  person Christ  wanted you to become?  What if  you could walk the  surface  of the earth knowing  that  you are  purposed to live as  a  child beloved of  God?  

David knew  how to live  that life. David was  a radical believer. That’s why  Saul was intimidated.  David knew who he  was. He  knew whose  child he  belonged to. He  belonged to  I Am.  You could see  that he  accepted his seat of authority. David  was  greatly  influenced by  God. He was involved with God  so much that when he  played instruments, evil  spirits fled.  

1 Samuel 16:23 New  Living Translation  (NLT) 23  And  whenever the  tormenting spirit  from  God  troubled Saul, David would play the  harp. Then  Saul would feel better, and the  tormenting spirit  would go away.

Now this could be us.  Instead of being  tormented and oppressed by  evil  spirits, we  should be  the reason they flee. Not because  we  are  so special. Not because  we  are  so holy. Just because  we  have  God in our  lives. So  yeah, addictions  can break.  It  will  be  over soon.

It wasn’t just the  one  time that Saul got troubled by tormenting  spirits.  It happened regularly  and  each  time David played the harp, the  spirit fled. David introduced the spirit  to something  a  little  strange.  Something  unusual. Something  unique and worth beholding. He  introduced Saul to a  little of  the  I AM  experience.  And boy  did he do it  well!

We miss out  on this kind  of relationship. Relationships can either  grow or  remain stagnant.  Growing something  takes time.  It’s a  process.  It  requires deep intentional fellowship.

How many  of  you dated  and stayed without communicating  with  your partner  and  somehow  your relationship grew?  This is the  easiest example  I  could come up with.  I  mean relationships happen to everyone,  intimate or not.  In order  for  that relationship to grow,  you’d need to invest in it. You can  only  invest in something  if  you believe it’s  worth it or important to  you.  

If  God is important to us, we  should spend time with Him. We  should desire  Him.  I  keep using  David as an example  because  he  knew something  that we  don’t know. You understand that David was a  flawed human being  too. He  had days  where  he  was probably  super sad and lonely.  

He  made  tons  of mistakes. He  messed up. Still, he  is remembered as a  bible  hero. David obviously  had  an awesome relationship with God. He  had to. There’s no way you can be  like  David and not have  a  good relationship with  your father.  

1 Samuel 30:6 New  Living Translation  (NLT) 6  David was now  in  great  danger because  all  his men  were very  bitter about losing their sons and daughters,  and they began  to talk of stoning  him. But David found strength  in the  Lord his God.

Imagine  yourself in David’s position. You are  the  leader of this group  of people. You are  the  only  one  they  look up to. And now, their  lives have  been tempered with. Their children captured. What  a  tragedy  it  must  have  been! These people blamed their leader.  It was the  whole  lot  against David.  

What did David do?  He  encouraged himself in the Lord.  As if all  was  great!  These  people talked of  stoning him. He  could have  been  afraid. He  could have  bolted away.  It’s  what  I  would have  done. Man, that group against me?  These  weren’t a  group of  old men. They  were  soldiers. David was their  commander in chief  for  crying  out loud! They  could have  easily  pinned him down. But he  decided to look to the  one  in whom strength lies. He  chose  to look to the  I AM.

   I  don’t need to know if  you’ve  been battling addictions.  I  don’t need to know. There’s a  God  above  that is capable of  healing  you. He  is able  to transform you. He  is able to change  you into the person that He  created  you to be. He  can do it  through  you. He  can.  He  will.  

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