The Lord Will Fight For You

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There's a pattern that should always be under scrutiny in the bible. We should open our eyes to see. The men and women of God were as ordinary as you and I. What made them great is not their boldness or their being volatile. They just knew that they would always need God. Their dependency on God never slacked just because their horizons became bigger. 

There's been times when I've been unsure of what I'm supposed to do or if I'm living the life I should be living. I have had my doubts. I know I'll still have a few. The key is to keep going. Never look back. Don't go after what God rescued you from. Look ahead with a bright smile. Moses did the same thing. When faced with tragedies, He prayed to God. He inquired of God. God is the one with whom you should desire to have the most intimate relationship with. No human being on earth will ever understand you like God does. No guy. No girl. No one. Even our mothers who by far have a deeper understanding of our needs than other people cannot understand us like God does. 

Even your feelings. I know we can all have sympathy and empathy, but we can never really understand what is going on in someone's life. I believe in the power of great encouragement. What people need, is just your ear. You understand that people need the very thing God needs from us. That's why God created us as interdependent beings. We need each other. We don't need to try to explain to people why they lost their loved ones, or why some are battling fatal diseases. Do you know the amount of frustration that could cause? Everybody just wants to know if you're really there for them. Not to feel what they are feeling, but to be a part of their world; good or bad. 

We still live in the times of the Israelites. We also need a Moses to encourage us. To help us push through even when life seems unbearable. We need to be reminded that we possess such great power just within us. This isn't some motivational speech. No, there is great power in the word of God. The word of God is the answer to everything

In one scene, in the movie Thor: Ragnarok, Thor got a serious beating from his sister. He was in a battle. He needed to save his people. It was tough. He was weakened. Guess who reminded him of who he was? His father. Because good fathers remind their children who they are when they forget. In the vision Thor had, his father declared to him that he was a god of thunder. Now in that little discussion, Thor was worn out. He was tired. He was beaten. He lost all the hope that he had. Whatever ounce of hope that Thor had vanished with the strength that he had. When he had that one- on- one conversation with his father, he came back recharged and ready for battle.  

One touch with God can change your life for the better! One conversation can change the very way in which you see yourself. That's why David kept a close relationship with God. Moses sought the Lord so much that he wouldn't execute any mission without the presence of God. Your father loves you. He loves you more than you can imagine. Whatever battle it is, maybe you are feeling worn out and defeated. Depleted of whatever little strength you may have possessed. A little word from God can change all of that. It's all up to you. You choose to believe. No one will ever do the believing for you. 

Remember I told you action movies were inspired by God? Do you believe me now? All those movies have stuff that's happened in the bible. Whoever gave the writers the idea of talking to one's father could actually help? They read about Moses. Speak to your daddy. King T'challa of Wakanda, also did in the Black Panther movie. Speak to God. Everything is just going to change for you.  

You can cross the river without ever looking back. There's hope for you. Now I know it's scary. Placing such kind of trust in something you've never experienced before. Dare to step into the unknown and see what God has for you. I know you feel you cannot break out. Dare to step out. The bible says, we walk by faith and not by sight. Exercise your muscles a bit and make a step. It's not easy, it's hard leaving behind what you're accustomed to. 

If you've been hurt long enough, you know better than anyone the challenges of trusting again. Sometimes we go through so much that we don't care if we are living the life God intended for us to live. It's hard. It's painful. It's challenging. Believe me, I understand the Israelites. I don't judge them. When God is taking you through a transition, it can be the scariest expedition that you ever took. However scary, it yields something so great, you couldn't explain it. 

   Exodus 14:13-14 New Living Translation (NLT) 13 But Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. 14 The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm." 

Moses was deep too. We need such awesome spirit filled words when there's nothing else we are holding on to. The word of God is the life that we are supposed to dwell in. He says, don't be afraid. This verse is all we need. I didn't need to write a book. This verse just says it all. I feel like the verse just summaries what I've been trying to say. The words couldn't be clearer. It takes faith to say that to a great people that see no way out. It takes faith to look your problem in the eye and boldly confess that you'll come out of it. It takes faith to speak to that addiction, telling it you'd never be joined to it. We need such faith. We walk by faith, the bible says. Not by sight. 

Moses doesn't understand though. Today's' world is different right? There's too much negativity now right? What is too much anyway? I like the part that says, 'The Egyptians you see today will never been seen again.' Hmm, Moses. Really? Like never? So, we can't have problems? What is Moses saying? I don't think it's about not having problems or challenges. I say this because Moses, for starters, was married to an Egyptian, and she was there when he said those words. I don't think it was about them not ever meeting Egyptians. It wasn't like building a wall that would block the Egyptians from ever meeting the Israelites. Moses was simply saying, the things that cause oppression in our lives don't have to overpower us. He says, we have a God that fights for us. 

God fights our battles. He never stops fighting for us. We shouldn't give up. Freedom is closer than we think. We have what it takes to keep moving forward because of who we carry. The bible says, when the spirit comes, He will come with power. The Holy Spirit is the help we need. He is our tour guide. We are his very important people. (VIPs)   

When God says, move, we need to move. We should not question Him. When He tells us to go, we should follow. If we ever have faith in God and want to exercise it, this would be the very moment to get our faith muscles a little activated. He says, don't cry, and just move! Cross that river and experience freedom. Some of us have been stuck too long in the same things that limit the manifestation of God's presence in our lives. God wants us to move. To move to another place. We've overstayed our welcome. He wants us to go. Where He leads us, we should follow. We are like sheep gone astray, the bible says, and here, that chance of moving forward has come. We can trust God. He's got us. He needs us to trust Him. He'll keep leading us and taking us where growth becomes inevitable!

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