Are you available?

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All occasions  require  some kind of  preparation.  The dinner  that Jesus calls us to is one  of a  kind.  It’s as  rare  as it comes. Your biggest  gift  to God is  your availability.  The more  available  you  are  to Him, the  more  He  becomes real to  you.  It’s  a  special dinner that can  accommodate  the entire  human race. There’s room enough for  you to share  a meal with the son in whom life  exists.

John  1:4  New  Living Translation  (NLT) 4  The  Word gave  life  to everything that  was created,[a] and his life  brought light to everyone.

Jesus is the bread of life.  He  is the  word that we need. He  is  everything. The  word of God is  truth.  If  you were  created by  God,  you’re  in luck. The  word  gives life  to everything  that was  created.  Just how much do we  need Jesus?  We  cannot survive  without  Him. He  is so powerful that He  is able  to light up  the entire  world!  

Man, the idea  of having  a  bulb light up my  room mesmerizes my  eyes.  It’s  fascinating  to know that  a  single press of a  button changes  the entire  situation of  a  room encompassed by  darkness. That button is not  automatic.  I actually  have  to press it if  I  want to have  light in  my  room.

Each time  I  walk in my  room, there’s a  light  bulb that has to be  switched on.  It’s the  first thing  I  do.  Before  I do anything  else in that little room,  I  turn on the light. Why?  Because  with that  light,  I  see  clearly.  The  light produces everything  I’d  need to  go on with my  business.

The  above  scripture  says,  ‘His life  brought  light to everyone.’  The  scripture  is talking  about the  one  and only Jesus Christ.  Jesus is  the switch that we  need to turn on  if we  ever want to have  lives that are  enveloped  with meaning and purpose.

The  dinner  that the master calls us to is something that is  amazing. We  can  all  straighten up our faces and try to appear  as appealing  a  figure  as we’d want to, but Jesus Christ is so real a man that He  wants us  as  we  are.

Matthew  4:19  King James  Version  (KJV) 19  And  he  saith  unto them,  Follow  me, and I  will  make you  fishers of men.

The  only  thing  Jesus wants us  to do is to follow Him. We  never ever have  to worry  about what we’d have  to do to look  more  spiritual or to have  a  more  spiritual language. No!  He  says,  ‘follow  me.’  Jesus is the one  that translates us from our poor images to the  one  akin  to Himself.  

Before  we  are  molded to  the image  of Christ  Jesus. We are  told to follow Him. You cannot make  yourself holy. You cannot make  yourself righteous.  Our  righteousness was a  gift from Christ Jesus. How can we  enjoy  Jesus’ righteousness without following  Him  first?  

Highlight:  Jesus loves us so much. We should stop fixating on what's wrong with us and focus on Him. Come to Jesus. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you.

PS: Thank you for reading. This chapter was super short but I know you'll love the next one even more. Stick around. There's more to come. God bless you readers! You're an amazing lot!

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