Jesus made her whole

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She  wanted Jesus’ presence. She  wanted to have  a personal experience  with  Jesus Christ Himself. She reasoned  within herself. ‘If I  may  touch but His clothes, I shall be whole.’  She  talked to herself. She  never  confided in Peter. She  never talked to James or  John. She  spoke  to herself and  reasoned within herself. She  needed Jesus so greatly  that she  ignored  everything  else.

She  ignored her pain. She  ignored  her sufferings. She  ignored her situation. She  just  reasoned within herself. If  she  could only  have  Jesus, all would be well.  If  she  could have  Him in her life,  everything  else  would be  whole. She had faith in the  power of  Jesus Christ.  So there  she  was. Struggling, making  the most difficult  maneuvers  just because  she  wanted to be  with Jesus.

There  was a  multitude of  people. Thousands of people. Perhaps  you  couldn’t get  enough breathing  space. She  ignored those  that might have  given her the  eye. She knew  Jesus couldn’t be brought to her, so she  went to Him. He  attended to so many  people, but her bravery  paved way through a  crowded people  of different calamities.  

Isn’t ironic  that Jesus who is  perfect  attracts people with so many  problems and issues. The  Pharisees  and Sadducees who  were  known to be  teachers of  the  word were  never  close to Jesus.  If they  were  around, it  was to mock Jesus. To challenge  Him.

Jesus Christ attracted the  worst of people. He  was around  lepers and harlots. He  came  for  those that  needed saving. He  only  came  for  us.

Mark 5:29  King James  Version  (KJV) 29  And straightway  the  fountain  of her blood was  dried up; and she  felt  in  her body  that she  was healed of  that plague.

Here  we  are  again. She  reasoned within herself.  If only  she  could touch Him.  If only  she  could have  Him at her side.  If only  she  could. When she  did touch His garments, her life  was never the  same  again!

The  bible  says, straightaway, her issue  was dealt with. She  went to the right  person. How awesome  an experience  that must  have  been!  It’s not enough hearing about Jesus and hearing  people’s testimonies about how good  a  High priest He  is.  We  need to have  a  relationship with Him  if we  are  going to make  the most  of His awesomeness.     

She  wasn’t healed when  she  heard  about Jesus Christ. She  got healed when she  had Jesus Christ in her life. When His presence  manifested in her life, then she  was healed.  

Some of  us are  still  hearing  about Jesus Christ and wondering  if He  is  any  good. But here’s a  woman. Her name, we  know not. She  heard about Him, but that never did her  any  good. Not until she sought after Him  did she benefit from the  master.  Jesus Christ came for all  of us.

We might still be in the stage  of hearing  and hearing about Jesus Christ. Not until we  have  a  relationship with Him, our hearing  about  Him  won’t change  a  single  thing. We have  to seek Him out. We  cannot sit  and wonder if He’ll show up. We  can make  the first step  and maneuver our way  to Him.  

John  6:37  King James Version  (KJV) 37  All  that the  Father  giveth  me  shall  come  to  me; and him that cometh  to  me  I will  in  no wise  cast out.

He  says, all  that  go to Him.  It’s our  responsibility  to go to Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is great a king  that  receives the most  broken of people. He  is the  only  king  capable  of receiving  all  kinds  of people. We  come in our  different apparels  yet  He  wants us.

He  is not looking  for  those  in fine  linen  going  to the banquet. As lost as we  may  seem. As blind as we  may  be. Jesus still  wants us. He  summons  us to a  dinner  that doesn’t require  much but our  presence. He  says, as long  as we  go to Him, He  will  not cast out  us. He  tells us  to come. What kind of mercy  is this that we  should dine with the one without  sin?  What rich grace  is this that the  only  perfect son of God should dine  with an incapacitated lot?

It all seems too good to be  true. Yet it is so true! With the many  issues that might be holding  us back, who else could ever really  handle us?  It would be unfortunate  to miss out  on having  a  relationship with the  only  being  that has the capacity  to save  the  world!

Jesus Christ  is so strong  that He  carried the  whole world on His  back. How  could we  let Him  go?  The  woman heard of  Him?  After  she  heard about Him, she  had to do something  about it. What are  you doing  now that  you’ve heard about Jesus?  Are  you going  to let Him  go just like that?  Are  you seriously  going  to watch  Him pass by  like  He never existed?

She  fought through  a  tough crowd. They  were  all gathered there  because  they  needed Jesus. She  was aggressive  enough to see  Jesus herself. She  couldn’t just keep hearing  testimony  after testimony. CNN  became too irritating  a  channel to watch. She wanted to have  a  taste  for herself. She  couldn’t let Him  go. 

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