When she touched His garments

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Isn't it rather absurd to think we can do Christianity without meeting Jesus Christ Himself? Jesus Christ became flesh and had a fully functional body. He went on and on inviting all kinds of people. He didn't care for race nor did he care about economic status. All He wanted was to invite everyone one of us to Him.

So then what happens when we have Jesus Christ on our side? What exactly changes in our lives after having given up our beings to the master? 

In all the stories we've heard about Jesus. All that we hear and all that is there to read. Whatever material made available to us that concerned Jesus had this one thing in common among those that came to Him. They were made better. They changed.

Mark 5:25-28 King James Version (KJV)

25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,

26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

There was a woman, the Bible says. We know not her name, but we know she had a major issue in her life. Her problem was so big that twelve years she suffered without much change, if any change at all.

This nameless woman suffered. She had money. Enough money to visit many different doctors but alas, her problem couldn't be solved. She did all she could possibly do. She went on and on searching and searching. She looked in all angles and places she had to look, but nothing changed. 

How sad it was for her. For so long a time, her situation rather grew worse. We do not know too much about her. All we know is that she was a woman and suffered a great deal. She was in desperate need. She cried out for help. How she needed that miracle!

In the same manner of having difficulties and having shameful traits that we never share with anyone. Why Is Jesus the last resort? It's almost as though we trust the world more than we trust Jesus Christ. It's cute to know we can depend on each other, but we are limited beings. Our energy can easily get depleted. We can easily run out of whatever fuel that had us moving at a certain speed.

We can only do so much. I know someone that never fails. The Bible says, 'When she had heard of Jesus.' There came a time when Miss Lady with no name heard of Jesus. Man, what a life changing statement! Hearing about Jesus is so spectacular a thing. We need to hear about Jesus, and hear about Him the more!

The lady heard about Jesus. She heard about Jesus through people of course. For a man like Jesus, how could you not hear about Him? He was all over the place. The newspapers were flooded with what Jesus Christ did. When He awoke, and after He had finished communing with the Father. He attracted large masses of people. They traveled just to hear what He'd say. 

Then one day, this woman, snuck up on Jesus and tagged Him. What a scene she caused! You'd bet the journalists had a hit story Live on CNN! The woman, believed a simple touch would change her life. It would cause an indelible moment, and today, we still talk about it. 

We know this woman had heard of Jesus. What's remarkable though is not her being able to hear about Jesus. It wasn't about her auditory nerves picking up on the right signals. I mean, it shows that part of her body was super functional, but no, that's not it.

What makes the difference is her response towards what she had heard. She heard, but the difference was in what she did with the news that flooded her auditory nerves. 

She had a need that could only be met by our Lord and our master Jesus Christ. It is true that she heard. The difference however was in the fact that she wanted more.

Note: Hey amazing believers! Thank you for reading! You are awesome! So there's a second of this very story of the woman that had the issue of blood. I hope you are enjoying it and my prayer is that you stick around! God bless you all!

PS: Jesus Christ is so real! 

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