Reaching Purpose

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To reach purpose, we are to be connected to God. The bible tells us that God created us in His likeness. When God created Adam, He never wanted Him to fail. God would never want anything of His to fail.

 Tell me a manufacturer that created a productand wanted it to fail. Every manufacturer wishes the best for its product, so much that there's a warranty as partof the package.

The company that owns certain products will do anything to protect their reputation. In the event that their products fail or become defective, they promise to cover all expenses without charging their customers.

 If you think of God as a manufacturer you'll learn that man gets his kind of ideas from God. The scientist try to rob God of His creative abilities. Everything about us is akin to God's nature. We fail because there's a part of us that is always in constant battle with the spirit. Man is a spirit like God, but we also have a flesh. However, that doesn't change the fact that we originate from God. 

God created Adam and placed Him in the Garden of Eden. Before Adam ever had purpose. Before He was delegated any kind of authority. Before He even met Eve, He was in the presence of God. Adam never needed to pray, he was already in the presence of God. Adam was connected to God in a way that didn't require a medium. His messages got transmitted without having to pass through a cord. He had Wi-Fi and the speed at which His line of communication occurred was incalculable. 

I imagine being in the Garden of Eden so much. Life was obviously awesome. Who doesn't want such a connection, where your network is never buffering? We all know the struggle of trying to watch a You-tube video without any interference. There's been times when I gave up. And here was Adam. Already at a place with a stable connection. He wasn't at a NASA based Center. I hear they have the fastest Internet connection. He wasn't in Wakanda with the coolest gadgets and the complicated technology.

He was in the presence of God. Where nothing but his being was needed. God doesn't want your eloquence in speech. He doesn't want your money. He wants you. God is the only one that will ever want you for you. We are guilty of using people even when we probably never intended to. God wants all of you. There is nothing that delights Him more than having His kids at His bosom. He jealously wants your presence. God doesn't need anything else from you but that. He created man for fellowship.

We sometimes miss Him because we are searching for the wrong things. What are you searching for today? I know without a reasonable doubt that all you need is found in God. Fish cannot live without water. To place a fish out of its natural habitat is death to its being. To remove man from the presence of God is the death of his being.

What happened after Adam left the Garden of Eden? The connection started wavering and nothing was the same. He died spiritually. He lived a couple of centuries but his purpose was short circuited. I know Adam could have done more. He could have been more and he could have been the man God created him to be. 

As long as you are alive, you have purpose. It may not look like you are headed the right direction. Regardless, there is something that God wants you to do. It first begins with your being connected to Him. Without that connection, you won't receive any data. We need God in order to have an exchange of data flow. The more that we seek Him, the more that we find Him. 

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