Blurred Lane

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Whenever  I  get the  chance  to travel to a  new place, I  like  to study  the area  as  hard as  I  can and to  appreciate whatever is there  to appreciate. Traveling  can be  the most exciting  thing  that one  set out  to do and the  same time, it could be the  most  painful  of experiences. Tragic things could happen.

I  try  noticing  the small  things that seem unnoticeable. Some  countries have  places that are  quite scenic and usually, those  places provide  enough reasons to take  a  few pictures, or maybe  a  lot.    

Journeys can  get pretty  exhausting. Journeying  from one  place  to  another  is quite  a  difficult thing  to do. You can imagine  the life  of the  Israelites, they  seemed to be on the move. They  walked  and  walked and never seemed to get to their  destination. Each new day  brought about new challenges. New potholes crossed their  paths. When everything  seemed right, it never felt  normal. Their levels of sanity  were  questioned. How  else could they  have  lived when the land they  sought seemed blurred?  How  could they have  been exhilarated when the lanes on which they  walked only  seemed a  little more  blurry?

In  Abraham, nations  were  planted.  God spoke  to him  on several occasions  about how he  would father  a  great multitude of  people. He  would be  the father of  many nations. He  had in him  nations as populous as the stars in the sky.

So what did Father  Abraham do?  He  took God’s word. Before  we  unwrap  the cake,  we  need to understand that cake  doesn’t just form as beautifully  as it  does.

There’s  recipes and segments of dough  and flour. There’s different kind of  ideas. There’s disappointments and different kind of  coloring  liquids. The  cake  doesn’t just appear  from thin air. Something  happens. Before  we  get the chance  of enjoying  the foodstuff  that is  a  contributing factor to obesity, we  need to understand just  how the  cake is made.  

God created every  man  with a different kind of purpose  interlocked  and intertwined within the  fabrics of our beings.  He  designed  us to function in a way  that would glorify  Him. When He  created man, He  created us  man and woman. Our  being  would  then be  the  glory  of God  in flesh.

Hold on a  minute!  There’s scripture  for  this. God planned for  us to  glorify  Him right from the  beginning  of the human race. He  trusted that His glory  would disseminate from one  generation to another. When Eden happened, God never stopped there. He  still  sought  after men that would carry  His vision  forward. He  sought from the earth people  that would stand in proxy  for Him  here  on Earth. When God wanted  to save  mankind from his ruins, He  didn’t call  the avengers!  He  summoned Jesus and placed in Him  salvation!      
Genesis  1:26  New  Living Translation  (NLT) 26 Then  God said, “Let us  make  human  beings[a] in  our image, to be like us. They  will reign  over the  fish  in  the sea, the  birds  in  the  sky,  the  livestock, all  the  wild  animals on  the  earth,[b]  and the  small  animals that scurry  along the  ground.”

He  said,  ‘Let us make  Human Being in our image.’  It would be safe  to conclude that our being images the being  of God when we  stand in sync.
God has always wanted for us to stay  in close proximity  to Him.  In the  Garden of Eden, God  walked around  and communed  with Adam without any  difficulty. He  just  had to speak, and  no sooner did He  speak than Adam responded.  

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