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If  I  had the  opportunity  to ask every  human being alive,  I’d ask them this one  question.  ‘What are  you searching for?’  Maybe  it’s a  silly  question and perhaps too difficult to answer.  I  think it  would be  the hardest  question I’d ever have  to  answer.  It’s like  when  you are  sent to school and told to get the  best of grades  and find a  good job and maybe  get  a  wife  that  you’d  spend the  rest of  your life with. Society  has a  way  of  limiting  the us.  We are  told how far we  could go. There’s so  many  limiting factors  that seem to stunt our growth.

All these  things are  good. There’s nothing  wrong with wanting  more  and having  a  life  that’s  good.  What if good  isn’t  enough?  Have  we  ever thought of the biblical standard  of a  good life?  If we  could search the  scriptures like  we  search for identity  and our status quo, we’d be amazed at what we’d discover in the  word of  God.  

The  biggest problem is not  poverty  or sickness all whatever  you  could think about that man struggles with. Life’s biggest tragedy  is living  a  life  without  purpose. Coming  to earth and not  knowing  why  God  created us. From the beginning, God’s purpose  for  man is  transparent. The  first and only  thing  that God has ever wanted  is fellowship.    

When God created Adam, He  talked to Himself. All along  when creating  the  animals and the  earth and  stars and everything  that fills up  the galaxy, He  spoke  to  the  medium from  which  different  life  forms would emerge. He  spoke  to the  earth and  vegetation  sprouted everywhere.  

Isn’t amazing  to know that God wanted us?  No matter  where  you  go and  whatever part of  the  earth  you visit, grass will always  grow  from the  earth. That is how God wanted it to be. God’s  creation  cannot defy  the laws and principles that were  set before  them. The  only  life form that seems to always go against  that plan is the humans. Yes, it  is us.

Fish can never be  taught  how to swim. They  were created to do it. They  are  purposed to swim as they  do in the water. God wanted it  to be that way. And when He wanted  fellowship,  He  created man. God  created us to be connected  to Him.  

When He  created man, He  spoke  to Himself. Think about it. When He  wanted fish, He  created  a  dimension from which they’d  find purpose; the  sea.  So He  spoke  to the  waters which would  become  the  area  of  dominion for this kind of  life  form.

As Fish is connected to water, man is connected to God. When God wanted  us, He  spoke  to Himself.  I  do not come from  Africa.  Africa  is more  like  a  portal that  accepted my being. We  originate  from God. Doesn’t matter  what components make  up our  DNA.  It  doesn’t  matter the  shades of black or white  that make  your being,  your source  is God.

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