Crossing the Red Sea

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To this day,  I  have  reason to believe  every  action based movie  is inspired by  God.  I  know what  you  are thinking. How  can  I  say  that?  The  Bible  holds  stories and events that are  too epic  not to be  talked about. God's very existence  is fun to think  about. He's just  always been there.  

He's kind of  behind the  scenes while  still  holding an active  position of  the  main star of  the  movie. Can  you make  sense  of  this?  He's working  behind the  scenes because  we  don't  really  see  what He  does but  we  see  the result  of His awesome  work. He's  the  main star because He's always with us.

Tell  me a  random movie  that could beat stories of mighty  men like  Samson.  I  mean Samson, was violent. He killed a  lion with his bare  hands. Defeated his  enemies single handedly.  God was with Him. Samson  was an odd fellow. The  real Superman if  you ask me. He  was  also funny.  One  time he  went out  when he  was  angry  and caught 300 foxes.  I  can't catch a  chicken, and here's a  guy,  with all  the time  in  the world, running  after strange  looking dogs.  I  told  you before, these  men made  irrational  decisions sometimes. They  weren't  perfect, but  hey, he  still  stands out! 

Which brings me to one  particular  event in the Bible. The  story  of the  red sea. The  Israelites  led lives of mediocrity,  for  lack of a  better term. They  were  slaves. They  were  enslaved by  the Egyptians.  Finally  a breakthrough was  paved  out. Before  it  did, the  Israelites were  still  a  bit  skeptical  of what Moses was led to do for them. They  never  really  got what was being  created for them. Why  it  needed to happen.  

I  read  a  book by  Nelson  Mandela, his autobiography:  Long Walk  to Freedom. He  said  after being  in prison  for so long, he  never  really  knew  what being  normal meant. He  had to rediscover what sane
people did and how they  lived their  lives. He  wasn't crazy. 27  years in prison can do  a  lot  to a man, that's a  whole generation  gone  just  in  prison.  

The  Israelites probably  faced the same dilemma. Hundreds of  years passed them by. No one  showed up.  It was just regular  duties on  regular  days.  They  probably never even knew  what day  it  was. What did it  matter anyway?  

This is the kind of stuff  that the enemy  counts  on. The  enemy  has some  power. He  does. Nevertheless, we serve  a  God who has more  power. We  serve  a  God  that put the devil  to naught. The  enemy  puts  thoughts in our  heads. Thoughts that make  us think we  are  worthless, unattractive and unworthy  before  God. He  battles us in the  mind. That's why the bible says, we  can only  get transformed by renewing  our minds. Your biggest  asset is  your mind. Before  you decided on reading  this book,  you thought about it.  It didn't happen  magically.  You didn't get up and these  words just started appearing  on  your  electronic device.  You  chose  to read the book  you  are  holding.    You found  this book. And  you decided on reading  it.

The  Israelites had a  tough time processing  how freedom really  worked.  Most  of them were  born in slavery. How can  you imagine  freedom if  you have  never  even had a  dose  of it?  They  couldn't grasp what had happened to them. They  were  still  in the  past. They  questioned  Moses. They  doubted him. They  actually  wanted to be  left  in Egypt. Even if it  was bad, at least, they  lived. They  had families. They  got used to it.  They  got comfortable. They lost  hope  of ever  coming  out. They  couldn't begin  to imagine freedom or having  a  chance  of living  a  life  that they  actually  chose. Sometimes we  get beat up so hard by life  that imaging  a  good  healthy  life  is  almost impossible.

When all  you ever felt  was  pain. Shame. Defeat. Hunger.  Loss. Rejection. How  then can  you begin  to envision the possibility  of a  life  that's different?  It  seems too good to be true. So we  have  these  blurred images of what God could actually  do with our lives. Sometimes bringing  yourself to trust God is almost like setting  yourself up for a  major  disappointment. 

 The  Israelites trusted Moses. Only  for  a  while.  They still  had their  doubts. They  still  couldn't believe  it. 'Why did he bring us up here?'  they  asked.  'We  could have stayed in Egypt where  we  could at  least have  gotten proper burials instead of dying in shame.'  Man, that's just depressing. Have  you ever been next to a  gloomy  person, like  even for  a  day?  It just changes  your mood.  It's  almost as though they  go out of their way  decoloring  people's lives. The  Israelites did that to Moses.  Like  the  army  and David  right?  

Do we  see  similar patterns so far?  If  you've  been following?  Say, this was  a  cool series, maybe  the  Flash. And this  is season two,  episode  3.  If  you've  ever seen any great super  hero movie,  I think  you know that they  don't always have  it  easy.  Like  the flash for instance, he's literally  always running.  What's shocking  though,  is how he  seems to always  run towards his problems and difficulties.  If  there's a  problem, he'll  run  to it and do something. The  flash has  this optimistic  side about him, it's almost ridiculous.  

He  has some  kind of weird attitude  towards what  he faces.  I  told  you,  your mind is  your biggest asset. The  way you think determines how far  you'll go in  your life.  Barry Allen, who's also the  flash, is seen as an invincible  guy. The  guy  running  around  the  city, saving  the  day  no  matter what happens.  In the  eyes  of the  viewers, he's super  great. No problems at all.  

The  viewers in the flash,  don't see  what we  get to see  as fans of the  series.  We  get to see  both sides  of this super skinny  TV personality. When he's alone  and with his inner  circle  of friends, they  see  the side  that exposes his vulnerability  and his  weaknesses.  Regardless, it doesn't change  anything  about him being  the flash. Being  a  strong believer doesn't mean we  don't have  weaknesses,  what makes us stronger is rising  above  every  fiery  dart the enemy  throws at us. Having  weaknesses, doesn't subtract from who we  already  are.  It makes us even more  dependent on God.  

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