[Twenty five|My what?]

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"Now you may join hands," He says and I quickly press my palm with Adrian's.

I could slowly feel it. The links of every single pack member opening up. It was a different feeling. Usually, I would only have links with people who allow me but now, I have the entire pack.

We both pull away from our hands once the blood seeped it. My hand was smeared with our blood but the mark where I cut my palm was now healed.

Adrian puts his hand out and a pack member who has been assisting us for the entire ceremony wipes it off. After he comes to mine and I thank him once he's finished.

Frank, one of Adrian's dad's friends who was conducting the ceremony for us, finishes the final step to complete the process.

"Congratulations!" Alyssa screams and pulls me into a very tight hug. I return it and as we pull away I realized Adrian was talking to my brother.

Alyssa took my hand and we walked towards them. "Lil' sis," Caden's voice softens as he looks at me with the biggest smile on his face.
"I'm so proud of you," he whispered in my ear as he hugged me. I breathe out a sigh of relief for some reason. Adrian quickly pulls me to his side as other males come to greet us.

"Luna, Alpha," Raul greets us.

"Avyanna!" I hear a familiar voice scream excitedly behind us. Thankfully, we both turn around for them to properly hug me.

"Oh my God! You did so well!" He informs me which makes me smile. "You're officially our Luna!" He says and hugs me even tighter.

"I think that's enough, Theo, before I strip you of your title," the angry yet controlled voice says behind us.

Theo let's go, clearly afraid of Adrian. I allow him to pull me back to his side.

We haven't spoken all night. Directly that is. Nobody has even told me why the hell he didn't even tell me about my own coronation. And yes, I am still very upset over it. And over the fact, he hasn't spoken to me as if I did something wrong.

But since we were in front of the entire pack, I just put on a smile and walk with him to go meet more of the pack members.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scream once we entered our room. Which was far away from anyone to hear us outside the house. "What do you mean?" He innocently asks and I roll my eyes.

"All night you've been so possessive, not barely even letting me touch my own pack members that were males and I can barely even talk to my own brother. Yet you haven't even spoken to me or anything like that. It doesn't work like that Adrian!" I scream but he doesn't say anything. I take this time to continue because I wasn't even finished.

"You don't get to call the shots especially since you've been planning this coronation behind my back which was all about me and I didn't even get to have a say in anything. You didn't even see or talk to me for the whole day and had your sister do it. Why the hell didn't you even tell me?"

Adrian sighs and sat on the bed. I stay where I am and wait for him to reply. For a couple of seconds, we both just stare at each other and I don't say anything even though my mind is racing.

"Viya and Allister were going to take our place if we didn't have a Luna by tomorrow. The king's orders."

"What?" I was clearly not expecting that answer.

"Yeah, I only found out around four this morning. I couldn't let them do that. I've worked so hard for this position to make my family and myself proud. I can't just let them take our title. Especially, since you did not even get a taste yet of being a Luna," Adrian explained and everything started to make sense inside my head.

"You've been planning for a while Adrian, and why didn't you wake me?" I remind him. "I was just making sure we had everything so that when the time is here, we don't have to wait long to get everything ready. I promise Av I wasn't planning for it to happen this way," I could hear the sympathy in his voice but I had to remain strong. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you were asleep. It's hard to wake up, you needed rest and I wanted you to have it. Especially, since you had the big day ahead."
Adrian stands and comes over in front of me. He uses his index finger to tilt my head so I was now looking into his eyes. "Also, I knew you would be disappointed in my actions. I fucked up because I was scared, I'm sorry, I should have just told you," Adrian sighed out his words and I felt the grudge I had against him fade away.

"I fucked up and I'm sorry. I was scared," he whispers before gently touching his lips with mine.

"I love you Luna Avyanna."

"I love you, Alpha Adrian," I say before I felt his lips collided against mine. It became just him and me, nothing around us and I didn't care nor remembered the troubles about today.

I know I should be thinking about the fact that Allister and Viya almost became rulers or that I was finally an actual Luna of a pack, the second-highest Luna of them all. But for now, I just wanted to cuddle with my mate and fall asleep in his arms.

And that was what I planned to do.

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