Year 5.4

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At long last... it's mine again! I found it... my motivation to update this story— and I dropped it again

Because of previous comments, I am leaving a reminder that, yes, this is the Fred x Harry fanfic

Harry trusted that Professor Flitwick would take action, but he kept worrying that it wouldn't be enough. After all, Umbridge was here because of the Ministry; they may have even given her a pass to do whatever she wanted.

He shook his head irritably. He was overreacting again. Surely even the Ministry would not like children getting hurt unnecessarily. Then again, they believed Harry had defeated the Dark Lord as a baby and were too busy celebrating to worry about what had become of him.

A hand rubbing his back brought him back to the present. Luna was watching him sympathetically, as if she knew what was going on inside Harry's head. She didn't speak, but her presence helped.

The owls came flying in, dropping off packages and the Daily Prophet. Luna opened her copy and laid it out so Harry could see it.

"'High Inquisitor'?" Harry said, frowning. "What does that mean?"

He listened closely as Luna read it aloud. A low growl rumbled in his throat. Umbridge was already intolerable as it was without giving her more authority over Hogwarts.

"As if we need a reason to be in her presence even more," Harry muttered.

"Just make sure you don't say anything," Luna begged. "The last thing we need is for you to land in detention again, where you'll be in her presence alone."

Harry rubbed his hand subconsciously. Luna was right, of course. He did not want to be near her outside of classes.

A sudden commotion made them lift their heads. At once, Harry had to clap a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.

The staff were all backing away from Umbridge, who looked as though she had gone mad. She was scratching herself desperately, shrieking for someone to help. Of course, no one did.

Face flushed from humiliation, Umbridge took off, running out of the Great Hall with more speed than Harry would have thought a toad like her would have possessed. He looked back at the staff table. Flitwick met his gaze briefly and he gave a quick wink. Harry suddenly felt a rush of affection for the small wizard.

"What did you do to her?" Hermione hissed, glaring at Fred.

"Nothing!" Fred said, trying to reign in his laughter.

"Come on, Hermione," said Ron, "don't pretend you actually care."

Hermione huffed and glared at her plate. But Fred noticed she did not say anything else in Umbridge's defense.

Once Flitwick was certain Umbridge would be staying in the hospital wing for a length of time, he made his way to her office. He had to stop at the doorway to keep from gagging at the pinkness. He liked the color, but not to this extent.

Shaking his head, Flitwick quickly began searching her office for the blood quills. He found a drawer full of plates with cats on it— "More of them?"— and another with normal quills and a clipboard.

He finally found what he was looking for in a secret stash behind the cat plates and pulled them out. His face went pale. They would have been used on more than just Harry, he reckoned. Flitwick would guess Umbridge knew exactly which students she would have wanted to target.

Satisfied he had what he was looking for, Flitwick made sure everything was back in their original position and left.

While Flitwick gathered the evidence, Fred found himself being questioned once more. Last time, it was after the second task when he had been Harry's hostage. Now it was about Umbridge.

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