Summer 3.13

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Last edited: October 5, 2021 (one paragraph)

Harry approached Ron Weasley as he was leaving for the train. "Hey, Ron. Sorry about your rat."

Ron waved it off. "It's fine. Actually, I'm glad you found out. Keeping a killer in my own dorm..." He brightened up. "Black sent me an owl," he told Harry. "To replace Scabbers- er, Pettigr- him."

Harry grinned. "That's great." He glanced over at Hermione. "Have you apologized?"

Ron followed his gaze. "Oh, no. I haven't. Not yet." He walked over to Hermione and said something to her. She smiled and nodded, clearly accepting his words and the two went to find a compartment.

Watching them, Harry felt a pang of envy. He could tell that they liked each other, even if they themselves were not aware of this fact, and couldn't help but yearn for that kind of relationship. A flash of red caught his eye and Harry looked up to see Fred and George coming his way.

"Looks like Sirius Black wasn't trying to kill you after all, hm?" George said.

Harry groaned. "Not you, too." He had been dodging students all morning, asking about Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. As the latter had predicted, owls had come in demanding that Remus get sacked, unaware of the fact that he had already resigned.

"Don't worry, Harrykins," Fred said. "We won't ask about that."

"But," George added, "we would like to ask you something."

"And that is...?"

"Is Sirius one of the Marauders?" they said in unison.


"Come on, Har, don't keep us in the dark." Fred pouted hopefully.

And Harry could not resist it for some reason. "Okay, yes. He is."

"Can we meet him?" they asked.

"Yeah, he'll be waiting at the platform," Harry said.

They boarded the train.

To Harry's utter delight, as he was getting off the train, Remus was with Sirius. "You're here! Both of you!"

Remus laughed. "Sirius convinced me to move in."

Fred and George were staring at Sirius, not even trying to hide their awe. "So you are-" George began.

"-another legendary Marauder?" Fred finished.

Sirius nodded and ended up staggering as the twins hugged him and fake cried.

"We are not worthy!" they said.

"Um, Harry," Sirius said as he patted them on the backs, "care to introduce these two gentlemen?"

"I'm George," Fred said.

"And I'm Fred," George added.

"They're messing with you," Harry said. "It's the other way around."

"Wait, what?" Sirius looked confused.

"I'm George, this is Fred," George said.

"Also known as Gred and Forge," Fred said, successfully confusing Sirius even further.

"Anyway!" Harry said, slightly louder than necessary. "Fred, George, as you know, this is Sirius Black also known as Padfoot and you've already met Moony."

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