Summer 3.15

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Fourth year will start up next chapter

"It's the full moon tonight," Harry remarked, staring out at the sky.

"Mhm." Sirius looked exhausted. With the full moon came a very cranky Remus. Sirius used to tease him about his tendency to act like a person on their period.

"It's that time of the month, isn't it?" he had said once during seventh year.

"Sirius," Remus had replied in a deadly calm voice, "I am this close to strangling you."

Sirius leaned over, smirking. "That sounds kinky," he said, warm breath hitting Remus' neck.

"You dirty-minded shit."

"Sirius- hey, Siri! Wake up!"

Sirius jumped as Harry swatted his face. "Ow."

"Sorry, but you were daydreaming again."

"Who's daydreaming?" Remus came in in time to hear Harry's last words. He looked even more worn down than ever, his face pale and drawn.

"Just remembering seventh year," Sirius said, grinning. "Your time of the month."

"One of these days," Remus said, "I will strangle you. And not in a kinky way."

Harry blinked. "Ew."

Sirius covered his godson's ears. "Shh, Moony. You'll scar the kid."

"I'm already scarred," Harry pointed out.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Where's the fucking chocolate around here?"

"Remy!" Sirius, who had begun to remove his hands from Harry's ears, slapped them back over. "What happened to no swearing in front of Harry?"

Remus leaned forward, looked Sirius straight in the eye, and said in a loud, clear voice, "Fuck you."

Harry giggled at Sirius' appalled face. "That's it! You're in timeout!"

"You can't do that. I'm an adult!" Remus whined.

"So am I, Moony. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done!"

Remus protested, but when Sirius didn't relent, he grumbled and stomped away, slouching in the corner.

"And you say you two are responsible adults?" Harry teased.

"Shush, you." Sirius shoved Harry. "I am extremely responsible."

There was a loud unconvinced snort from the other man.

"I don't think Moony agrees," Harry said in a stage whisper.

Sirius waved his hand dismissively. "He can think what he wants. Now, where is the fucking chocolate?"

Harry burst out laughing as Remus spun around, spluttering with indignation.

"Ready, Moony?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," was the tense reply.

The moon slowly made its way from behind a cloud. Sirius watched as Remus transformed in front of him for time in twelve years into his other form before changing into Padfoot.

Padfoot stepped up to the werewolf cautiously and nudged his side. Moony faced him, scrutinizing him with his dark golden eyes. Then he licked Padfoot's face happily.

Harry watched as the large black dog and the werewolf chased each other around, an occasional happy yelp slipping out. He smiled. How long had it been since Remus had changed with someone besides him? It must've been very lonely, he realized with a pang.

But seeing Remus now, carefree and alive again, filled him with happiness. In school, before Harry had approached him, Remus had been fairly distant with the rest of the school. He did obviously enjoy teaching, and did it well, but he was still alone. Then Harry had revealed what he had known and a tentative bond started, eventually growing into true friendship.

The past few weeks had shown just how childlike Remus could be at times, especially with Sirius. Pouting, sitting in the corner, whining. Yes, he was still a kid at heart, even if he had matured otherwise.

And as for Sirius, Harry had quickly picked up on his tendency to over exaggerate everything. For example, that time Sirius had asked if dinner was ready.

"Can't you wait?" Remus had said.

"I did my waiting!" Sirius had bellowed.

"Not again," Harry groaned, forehead thumping against the table.

"Twelve years of it!"



"In Azkaban!"

Thump. Thump.

Both Remus and Harry had to be very careful about saying the word wait after that.

Snape was still providing Remus with his Wolfsbane potion. It was clear that he would rather not, but seeing as Harry was there and Snape was very protective of him (not that he'd admit it), there was no way he was going to let an untamed werewolf roam around free.

When he had first come over, Sirius had run to greet him and Harry and Remus came out to see Padfoot lying on top of Snape, front paws planted on his chest, and licking him happily.

"Get. Him. Off," Snape had deadpanned.

Both Harry and Remus had done their best not to laugh at his predicament.

Sirius finally removed himself from the potions master, and Snape sent a Stinging Hex at Sirius' butt on his way out.

"Ow! Harry, Snape just hexed me!" Sirius whined.

"Did he? I didn't notice," Harry said.


"Yes?" said Remus, a look of cluelessness on his face. Clearly, he wasn't going to help, either.

With that, Snape left, a victorious smirk on his face.

You know what happens when I'm writing a story? I get inspiration for another one and I start writing that

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